Far be it from me to report anything about Holden, I guess it's more to do with how little press the HSV Maloo is getting in Japan. Holden lovers, you probably couldn't care less what the Japanese think... well, back at ya, I assure you they aren't spending too much time thinking about Holden anyway!
The article:
ホールデンは豪州のGM系メーカー。GM傘下のOEM車の他、オリジナル車も販売する。中でも個性的なのがUTE(ユート)。主力セダンのコモドアがベースのピックアップで、全長は5メートル超とオージーサイズ。「HSV MALOO(マルー)」は、そのUTEをホールデンの高性能車両開発部門「HSV」がチューンしたもの。コルベットと同じ5.7リッターV8エンジンは387馬力を誇り、0-400mは13.5秒を達成。まさにコルベットのピックアップ版。
And translated:
Holden HSV Maloo
From Australia, a super-car in the form of a Truck. (thats what it says! )
Holden is a manufacturer which is part of GM. Holden sell original vehicles along side OEM vehicles from GM One vehicle in particular is the "Ute". Based on the brand leading Commodore sedan, the Ute is "Aussie sized" and measures 5m in length. The HSV Maloo Ute is tuned by their vehicle development section HSV. The 5.7L engine from the Corvette is used producing 387hp, with a 0 - 400m time of 13.5 seconds. It's just like a pickup version of a Corvette.
At over 6,000,000 yen, I don't think they'll sell at all.