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Everything posted by Rezz

  1. Gentlemen, please edit your posts with your real names... internet nicks are good but damned if if meet you guys saying "g'day chopobo!"...
  2. Hmmm, right... so thats when I'd refer you to 2) America... ie: it's a foreign car so near enough is good enough.
  3. Dave, any of the UK guys going to show up on the Saturday?
  4. Rezz

    Tas 2005

    Thats ok, for sure.I'll put you down for the Saturday then? Thats when most people are going.
  5. Theres 2 things that should be pointed ut here: 1) Don't rely on software companies to know entirely what their talking about... especially with cars (nerds remember). 2) America.
  6. turbocharging6: I've browsed your site a bit, and you may want to let that guy "Troe666" that he's way off about the next Skyline... way off. He's just spreading the same rumours from the last 4 years even though theres heaps of evidence (that he obviously hasn't seen) to prove otherwise... Either that or just have heaps of wrong info on your site just like r35gtr.com
  7. ... kinda like hollywood
  8. I can see what they're trying to do... get some kind of uniformity going in the AU Import scene... and good on them. But I can't see all the top people from the various "brand name" websites (ie: SAU, Nissansilvia, Ozrotary etc) signing up with as much enthusiasm as they have for their respective websites. Still, I hope Carscene can carve it's own niche. Btw, if there are any blatant errors I might come on and straighten things out ... Evo_Lee might help out too if he's feeling overly generous
  9. Holy crap lets revive a 6 month old thread!!! ... hang on, I just had de ja vous...
  10. I'm a bit patriotic to SAU... so I won't be contributing. On the otherhand I do go to GTRCanada/GTP Forums and lurk in GTROCUK to keep an eye on what they're doing... but as far as other AU sites... nothing except Nissansilvia.com (only coz of Ken - gday mate). Btw, whats a "R35"? Is that some new car Nissan released that no one knows about?
  11. Absolutely wicked mate... Dave thats what I was waiting for Cheers
  12. Btw guys, I did say that those pics of the next GT-R are a design submission, definately not the final design... but as Evo_Lee says, pretty much what we should expect.
  13. They're still writing articles about that? Wow... I remember Japanese mags making a fuss about it over 3 years ago... I thought it was common knowledge? All the Japanese guys and girls I've spoken to don't like what has been printed in mags *or* the 2001 Concept (styling wise), very impressed with the engine/driveline though. In fact they just can't get over Nissan in general, let alone the next GT-R. What I mean by that is Nissans complete line up is "soft" in their eyes. Nothing in the Nissan range really gets them excited nowadays... although things like quality and competing with Europe in the marketplace gets the thumbs up by most Japanese... Nissans world prescence has improved alot according to them.
  14. :spamcan:
  15. Poor quality coupled with a Mercedes Benz price tag...
  16. Alright people, it's getting closer. Could all those going to TAS '05 please post here and I'll make an updatable list below: Friday 14th January '05 (Press day): Rob aka Yukio + 5 friends Dino aka DCD Inspector Gadget aka IG + missus (maybe) GTROC UK Bunch (a few?) Saturday 15th January '05: Blitz aka Nick Poida aka Peter Circusmonkey aka Christian Dave aka Dave + missus + eldest Son mmmgtir aka Richard XSJ aka James Inspector Gadget aka IG + missus (maybe) JCV + brother Japtaxi + gf Chopobo + 2 mates xKx_31 aka Benny + gf Sunday 16th January '05: Poida aka Peter (maybe) Circusmonkey aka Christian (maybe) Japtaxi + gf xKx_31 aka Benny + gf (maybe) Not going: Rezz Evo_Lee aka Troy (it won't be the same...) Micheal Jackson aka Diana Ross (unfortunate court appearance)
  17. Far be it from me to report anything about Holden, I guess it's more to do with how little press the HSV Maloo is getting in Japan. Holden lovers, you probably couldn't care less what the Japanese think... well, back at ya, I assure you they aren't spending too much time thinking about Holden anyway! The article: ホールデン HSV MALOO 豪州からやってきたトラックの形をしたスーパーカー ホールデンは豪州のGM系メーカー。GM傘下のOEM車の他、オリジナル車も販売する。中でも個性的なのがUTE(ユート)。主力セダンのコモドアがベースのピックアップで、全長は5メートル超とオージーサイズ。「HSV MALOO(マルー)」は、そのUTEをホールデンの高性能車両開発部門「HSV」がチューンしたもの。コルベットと同じ5.7リッターV8エンジンは387馬力を誇り、0-400mは13.5秒を達成。まさにコルベットのピックアップ版。 And translated: Holden HSV Maloo From Australia, a super-car in the form of a Truck. (thats what it says! ) Holden is a manufacturer which is part of GM. Holden sell original vehicles along side OEM vehicles from GM One vehicle in particular is the "Ute". Based on the brand leading Commodore sedan, the Ute is "Aussie sized" and measures 5m in length. The HSV Maloo Ute is tuned by their vehicle development section HSV. The 5.7L engine from the Corvette is used producing 387hp, with a 0 - 400m time of 13.5 seconds. It's just like a pickup version of a Corvette. At over 6,000,000 yen, I don't think they'll sell at all.
  18. Nice and clean Can I just point out that FWD offset wheels (whether the tyre dude says they fit or not) on RWD cars look like they're sunken in to the wheelarches. It makes the car look bloated... kinda like a wide body kit on a car with stock wheels and tyres... It doesn't look stupid, just that with the smaller diameter it doesn't look as tough as it should be. If you get some suitable offset wheels with 8" wide on the front and 9" on the rear she should look real tough... can I suggest some white Buddy Club P1s or something similar?
  19. If it were from Nissan, then it'd be an official press release and everyone would know about it (bear in mind Japanese Nissan employees seem to know about as much as the car mags in Japan do...). If you mean 'is it from a Nissan emplyee' or something, well no it's not, I thought that'd be obvious as I always type out clearly which magazine I've translated all this info from.I don't mean to come across sarcastic, but if you read my posts everything should be pretty clear.
  20. Rezz


    Matey, I've got a suggestion for you: On the main "The Next Skyline" page, scroll down the bottom to the "Display Options" part, then on the "From the:" drop down menu select > "Beginning". Then browse to your hearts content all the threads posted regarding the V35/V36 Skyline. You'll find that "The Next Skyline" is an apt name for this forum in that it's open ended, not just covering the next GT-R.
  21. Yes... they're the ones making the car, so yes, the info originated from there. Suprised?
  22. Just make a new account and don't use the old one.
  23. PM sent.
  24. In that case, yes, you could've found cheaper. When I veeeeery first came to Japan I stayed at a place in Shin-Osaka (the name escapes me now) and I paid 35,000 yen/month with 35,000yen refundable deposit. The downside was it was a 2 bedroom apartment with 2(!) bunk beds in each, for up to 4 people... yes 4 people per room. The most we ever had in one room while I was there was 2, but still, it was good having 3 young birds occupying the other room!
  25. Rezz

    2nd hand Push Bike

    There are THOUSANDS of bike shops all with 2nd hand bikes for sale 5 -6,000 yen for re-built ones. Just walk around a few blocks and you'll find one for sure. Alterantively, you could "find" an unlocked (read: unloved) one on Saturday night/Sunday morning after a night on the grog...
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