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Turbz RB-25

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Everything posted by Turbz RB-25

  1. It doesn't actually make the blades spin the other way mate. It is merely pressurised air passing through fast spining fins. There is no way 7 PSI could make blades that spin at over 10,000rpm spin the other way.
  2. My best advice to you buddy is to use the search button at the top of the page. You will definately find answers to your questions. Search button, be friend it. If you still can't find an answer, then make a post.
  3. In that case, make sure that your vaccum hose actually has vaccum. Also, open you BOV (i.e. untwist it until the spring pops out, and lube the inside up with grease to ensure the valve can open and close smoothly. Your car should not be fluttering with a soft spring on the BOV, something is wrong.
  4. does it come with wiring?
  5. Mate, the reason your car was fluttering wasn't because your BOV was too loose, it was because it was too tight. You probably loosened it, and now it is able to expel the air, rather than the pressure going back through your turbo. Be careful but, having it too loose may expose it to leaking under boost (that's if you got it way loose), however, having it too tight will cause compression surge i.e. flutter.
  6. Hi fellas, I got some carby cleaner yesterday and cleaned the wires in the AFM with it. Alot of brown shit flowed off so it looks brand spankin new now. It hasn't stalled since and I have a feeling the problem is solved (fingers crossed) Thanks for all your help fellas, greatly appreciated.
  7. CHeers Fellas, will get some carby cleaner tomorrow. By the way, is it ok if I use degreaser instead of carby cleaner? The reason I ask is because I got degreaser at home but no carby cleaner. Cheers fellas.
  8. Hi Fellas, My car has started to stall randomly while driving and while idleing. For example, I would be driving my car 10-15 mins, and then it feel like the engine shuts down, then switches back on, the shuts down, switches back on, almost as though the fuel cuts in and out.?? The happens can happen whenever, full throttle, idle, cruising speed, you name it. It'll happen to me 2-3 times while driving and frankly it's getting quite dangerous when my car stalls on a busy street. WHen the problem occurs on idle, the rpm drops to almost 0, then bounce back up to 1000, then back down to almost 0, so strange? and it only occurs some times which really puzzles me? SOmetimes I can go for a 30min drive and it doesn't happen... DO you fellas have any idea what it might be? Fuel pump? Coil packs? spark issue? Tune on the car? ANy help would be great. Cheers and have a good long w/e
  9. To see how compressed air will affect the bearing cartridge, perform the following: Place a Ping-Pong Ball and hold it with your big toe in the foot you use the least. Try and throw it at a brick wall. Sample principle applies to compressed air having a load on the bearing cartridge. Your bunnies don't mean shit, that's why I raised you a bananna (which is worth 3.34 times that of the bunny)
  10. Here's a simple test. First, obtain a tennis ball in the opposite hand that you throw with. Subsequently, go outside your house, find a nice spacious brick wall, and through it at the wall. Then, inspect the wall to see if there is any damage... Same principle applies to air hitting the turbo fins....
  11. You can keep your $50 and buy some more donuts with it.
  12. Hi Fellas, I have for sale my white 400R side skirts for an R33 GTS-T 2 door. They are pretty much as new, never fitted. The reason I am selling them is because I found side skirts that better match my front bar and rear pods. Price: $150.00 Pick up is available from Canberra anytime after 5:30pm. Cheers
  13. I'll give you $500, considering you can go with optus on a contract for around $960 total for the 12 month period with $50 free calls, data allowance, and messaging, I think you're asking too much?
  14. I was running 24PSI on my GT2835 pro S for over a year, with no BOV, and nothing happened. When I sold the turbo, there wasn't ANY shaftplay. It's almost like a tennis ball hitting a brick wall (the air being the ball, and the brick wall being the blades)
  15. I stutied law for 3 years at UNI, maybe I can help you out, what's the issue?
  16. WRX is a beautiful car to drive, nice power to weight ratio, and has the 4WD system too, thus making it feel much better on the road than the R33. I have a a R33, but I've gone way beyond that point to sell it as I could never get even 50% of my investment back. Stock for stock, a WRX will punish the R33, if you are thinking of keeping it relatively standard, go a WRX. If you are thinking of modifying the turbo, injectors, fuel pump etc etc, DON'T get a WRX, you will have issues with your gearbox and you will have to fork out around 5K to get a dog box. If you don't mind the fact that every second person drives one, get one.
  17. Body kit? Side skirtsor something?
  18. Can guards actually be 'flared' with a roller? I thought it was only to lip the inside of the guard, I didn't know they could actually push/flare the whole guard outside??? Anyway, Steve's guard looks mangled in that pic, the arch doesn't look smooth, looks all bumpy............ Be careful who you go to.
  19. You'll end up with 190-200 rwkw if you get a cold ait intake and wind up the boost a little more. Go onto the RB25 Dyno Thread, there are plenty of posts there with very simular mods.
  20. Yeah, there are alot of f#$k wits out there. Just make sure you have a poll with you at all times, if he gets smart, grab his hand, place it on the concrete and smack it with the poll. Then, grab some pliers, and cut off his left middle finger, once off, pull his pants down, shove the finger deep in his a$$, and tell them to get f$%ked.
  21. mmmmmmm vagina...........
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