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Everything posted by seul_avec

  1. Im gonna have to replace my tyres soon .... any suggestions ?? Brendan said to get Goodyear F1's .... Rhys i didnt know Sumitomo are like quite good tyres ... they were on my front when i got the car .... Sumitomo HTR Z II i think ... how much would it cost tho ?? 235/45/17 ... and how do we determine what width to go with ?
  2. im having problems with my electric HICAS on my 33 ... it comes on after turning off the engine for a short while, im probably gonna get a HICAS lockbar and lock the crap out of it !!!!! KYP in Wealshpool quote me 170 fitted .... is that an alright price ?? cheers
  3. urghhh .... thats no good at all ... i feel your pain, car got keyed as well 1 month after i got it ... sigh ... sux to know, pray that the person who did will perish a firey death in the depths of hell !!!! I just topped up with BP Ultimate too .. around $1.35 and i made sure it filled up to the top !!! LOL .... cost me about $71 only for about 55 litres..
  4. hey mate ive the exact same problem that you're having. I park my car and get some food, when i come back and start my car the HICAS lights comes on. I leave it for a long period of time like overnight etc... it goes off, and now it jsut comes and goes randomly its super weird. Im driving a R33 non turbo, anyone knows how does the HICAS work on this one? Is it fully electronic as well or does it work with the fluid? cheers!
  5. if there's a cop car next to you or behind you, try not looking at them at all and act as if nothing is going on. The more you move around in your car thats when the cops will pull you over, they tend to spot any out of the ordinary behaviour every now and then. Happened to me once in my old Ford, i was playing around with the radio and the antenna and there was a cop on a bike behind me, he pulled me over. Another thing when you get pulled over, try to act as confident aas possible, get ready your license, rego papers etc ... as soon as he walks over, that will show him that you have nothing to hide and most probably will let you go after several questions and a look at your car.
  6. shux man ... sorry to hear that, if we could get our hands on these people, its going to be the end of the world for them man ... happened to me when i first got my car, it had a fresh paint job on it and a few weeks later parked it outside my mates house, got keyed from back to front on the right side and the boot ... this totally sux, no use being too careful u just wont know when it will happen. Hope you find those scumbags and send them off to Bali to join the bombers !!
  7. ... OMG i look so silly !!!! but its all good ... got my car back already, its brand spankin' new !!
  8. PM sent, i wanna join the arvo session .. possible to swap me in for someone who wants to join the morning ? =D
  9. hicas lock bar FTW, ive some problems with my hicas too. .. the light comes on and off now and then and i lose my power steering .. its a real pain .. sob sob .
  10. i wanna be in the arvo one ............. pleaseeeeeeeeeee pretty pelaseeeee
  11. GRRRRRR .. now what ??? ive to hope for a total loss .. hehehe ...
  12. yeah .. lucky i called up to ask .. if not .. i'll be eating shit for the next few years ...LOL ...
  13. so Murdoch PnR it is !? see you guys there around 10:30am Sunday ... dont leave without me !!!! hehe
  14. a bit far for SOR people ... ... are you guys meeting up somewhere SOR ? may i tag along ? dont think i want to drive all the way up there myself .. cheers, Don
  15. hey guys, i dont think that the laws will do much good. YES i will prevent P platers from driving powerful cars, but then i think that there are still cars out there such as lancers and hondas which can be pretty fast at top speed, just that i will take longer for them to get to the top speed. LOL .. i saw a news today in the west.com.au site. Some young kids crashed their BMW (probably parents one) into a tree 3 out of 4 ppl died on the spot the other is fighting for her life in the hospital. My point is, if the laws come into place and P platers cannot drive powerful cars anymore they will still find their way out of it somehow and settle for less powerful cars, which could do the same top speed as a GTST, im not saying its not a good law (altho it is stupid to a certain degree) but then it may prevent some crashes with a pwowerful car, thats about it. People will still crash with a not so powerful car. PS: http://www.thewest.com.au/default.aspx?Men...ContentID=95026 cheers, don
  16. sorry cant come, working ... rhys is gonna kick my a$$ ..
  17. thats weird, maybe Ryan is right .. somehow !! LOL ... i think i'll just save up to get the HICAS lock bar and get my labourer Brendan to fix it for me !!! and also go back to west side audio and ask them to have a look at my car again.
  18. I HATE YOU !!!! i was actaully thinking of upgrading my steering wheel but just dont have the money at the moment. alwasy spend every penny i get LOL. im not sure why the HICAS lights keeps coming on and off .. no problems yesterday with it .. but today it came on once. Im pretty sure its something to do with the wiring of somesort. Just need to have a closer look at it. I'll get my mechanic Breandan to have a look at it !!! how much does the HICAS lock bar costs ?
  19. Yeah i think i'll invest in that once i get some money. I really dont see the point in the silly HICAS, i think that HICAS thing just adds coolness. hahaha practically useless and irritating if something like this happens ..
  20. HAHAH thats probably me, cuz i think im the only one with 2 lights not lighting up !! yet to ger that fixed .. just too lazy LOL .. umm when the hicas light goes away i get the power steering back, but it comes on when i start my car, not when im in the middle of driving.
  21. my stearing wheel is still stock and my speedo never stuffed up before since i got the car, altho the horn doesnt work properly, ive to press it at a certain spot real hard before the horn works. As for the sub, i got it installed at west side audio in cannington almost 6 months ago, the power from my audio system comes from the battery, i dont have another battery powering my audio system. Ive had wiring problems with my car before just after i bought it but after i installed my audio system i got them to sort it all out and it seemed okay up till now. So far today ive had no problems with the HICAS, only the subs are softer than they are suppose to be. Im gonna call up west side audio on monday and book in again, theres a lifetime warranty on my audio system if there's any problem so probably have them look at it. The only problem im having before this was that 2 of my brake lights doesnt light up when i switch on my head lights, only the outter 2 lights up, the inner 2 only lights up when i hit my brakes. My mate says im driving a Hyundai
  22. well ive been driving all morning today up till now, the hicas light is off. I'll have check at the power stearing liquid, but i doubt it needs topping up because from the last time i looked at it which was 2 days ago it was full, but i'll have a look at it again later. Could the subs be a sign of a dying battery ?? Its just weird. Ryan i think ur right, something is living in my car, my subs just died down, something must be chewing on my wiring. SIGH maybe i should sell it .. 50,000 ONO !!! comes with heaps of extra living things in the car. hahaha
  23. Hi guys, Yet another HICAS problem, altho mine is alittle different from what ive read. Im driving a R33 S1 non turbo and one fine day the HICAS light came on the dash and i lost my power stearing. After driving for awhile on the same day, i parked my car at a shopping centre, walked around for 1 hour +++ and came back and the light was gone. Went home parked my car there for 30 + minutes .. start my car and the light is there again. My mate asked me to unplug the battery and reset the ECU and i did that but still no luck, and that same night when i came home i lost my sub woofer. Could this be a wiring problem? Maybe a blown fuse? Thanks heaps, Don
  24. I personally think that its the attitude of drivers these days. There are heaps of drivers driving dangerously regardless of having a P plate or not. I dont think that it would make much of a difference if the government ban them from driving powerful cars, because they still can do stupid things in a not so powerful car. And honestly its not only the P platers who are driving recklessly these days, just a handful of P platers think that they are supeheroes, driving as if they own the road.
  25. this is crazy !!! i never heard of such an incident before .. these people are mad .. if this was the middle east and we caught those guys .. we'll all publically stone them to death ..
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