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Everything posted by Vince32gtst

  1. I like the air horn idea. Could also place some choice items in front of the camera lense.
  2. HELL YEAH! Just when i thought there was no way i was making it to november without a deca day. See everyone up there!
  3. Great cruise, had a great time. Thanks again wayne. Even loved the detour to the ski resort. Hope you like the group photo we took while we were up there lol Yeah that was me. I felt those sparks mate. I thought the worst was over with after the first one but how wrong was i. lol. Ill have to see about raising my exhuast up i think.
  4. Was a great cruise guys. Had a great night, apart from the cold. Photos are lookin good. Should definately do one during the day or early morning though.
  5. Ill head along. Car isnt really photo worthy though as its the daily. Could use it as comparison. Bad car-Good car lol.
  6. Best weekend in a very long time! Gotta love those fishbowls. Although they are to blame for me and mark walkin 3ks out of shepparton instead of going to our motel. Thank god the taxi picked us up lol. Thanks to everyone for making it such a great weekend and to all the volunteers making the weekend possible. The only issue i have is its soo long till november and im not sure i can wait that long. Any chance there might be another one before? lol
  7. Thanks man, your a nice person. Just dont expect help the week before deca again!

  8. WOOOO! Payment made and forms emailed through for me and Mr David Talbot. Seems too far away though! Thanks for publically posting up the photo dave, much appreciated mate!
  9. Great weekend! Most fun ive had in a while. Only thing is i left my spare wheel behind at deca so if anyone grabbed it please PM me. Thanks to all the organisers and helpers. Will definately be at the next one!
  10. Hey, just paid and emailed my forms and receipt through. My mate dave talbot also paid and will be sending his forms through tonight. Getting excited now lol. Thanks, Vince
  11. Hey, Just wandering when you need to know about beds, cos ill prob be interested in 4. But wont know for a day or 2. If thats too much of a hassle i can sort out my own. Thanks
  12. Im in, would be great to see the full thing. I take it to work every morning but only from frankston to dandenong. Have seen a fair few cops even on that small stretch aswell.
  13. Ill be there for sure! Arthurs seat is always good to see!
  14. Enjoyed the cruise! good to see so many skylines. Did end up following some skylines home instead of to the pizza shop though. lol. Still had a great night though.
  15. I Will be there. ill meet up at the east pre meet point. Also up for a cruise afterwards but want to attend a few more cruises before i attempt organising one. See you all there
  16. Great night! First cruise with the club and loved every moment of it! Definately going to attend the east meets west cruise. Hope the guy in the white r33 who got pulled up just after the end of the cruise got away alright. Thanks for a great night.
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