f**k man, i had my eleven year old brother in the car, if i was by myself i might have gone faster, ive been through the hills many times as i also live there, ive also seen what happens when you overestimate your abilites as ive also been in a crash up there.
I was leaving a gap between me and the car in front for a reason, maybe something you should learn to do. Your on your green p's like me, regardless of whether you live in the hills or not you shouldnt be taking that risk, especially when its a cruise because you would be putting other people at risk if you f**ked up and seeing what happened with that r32, its not fair if someone else has to pay the price for your actions.
Keen for higher speeds? then go through in your own time or organise a cruise with people that want to do a high speed hills run, it was a cruise, not a race.
If you wanna go through at those speeds then fine but i sure as hell wasnt gonna do it in a stock suspension auto r33 with my little brother in the car.
Cruises should be about people driving sensibly and to their ability, i shouldnt have felt pressured to drive faster then 80kmh through a dangerous stretch of roads because some idiot was tailgating me because he wanted to check out another car, which are what meet points are for anyway.