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Everything posted by CYA34

  1. CYA34

    Meet and Greet?

    Yeh it was good to meet everybody that made the effort. Mingle UUUUUUM? I hope that we can inspire the other liners to do somthing as a group. GOD EVEN COMODORES HAVE THEIR OWN CLUB. Look forward to Thurs night.........
  2. CYA34

    Meet and Greet?

    So far about 1/2 a dozen cars ? I think. b nice 2 have more though. Met NA_R33 tonight but they can't make Sunday.
  3. CYA34

    Meet and Greet?

    oky dokey
  4. CYA34

    Meet and Greet?

    Friday catch up prior to Sun is OK with me We'll be out tomorrow give us a call.
  5. CYA34

    Meet and Greet?

    shy32 should remember me, in my old ride. let's hope he can make it. We'll see how we'rte going for space in the line Chaos. see if we can work somthing out
  6. CYA34

    Meet and Greet?

    Hey Chaos got a lift for Sun?
  7. CYA34

    Meet and Greet?

    The line makes the wheels not the other way round. So can't cruise Sun sweetr33 shame. I thought we could go down to Point Danger but always open to suggestions
  8. CYA34

    Meet and Greet?

    Iwould love to but a few of the liners have work on Sat Sorry. Maybe fri night catch up also, up 2 u.
  9. CYA34

    Meet and Greet?

    Everyone Say Hi to Darren from Autoshop a mad keen drifter and racer. And yes you could Darren without bringing it on to boost. :-) Sunday 3rd of August sounds like a good day. Still need a bit of of a plan as to where anyone would like to cruise to?
  10. CYA34

    Meet and Greet?

    BTW Sunday sounds good !
  11. CYA34

    Meet and Greet?

    OK BP Yatla it is then, best thing would be to have a meeting time of say about 10am ???? gives everyone a chance to shake off Sat night. Maybe morning smoko down the coast through to Broadbeach or Coolangatta and back up to Tamborine for lunch? Just some Ideas to get us started, anyone got a better one?
  12. Let's get fired up and do it , I am so there. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...25&pagenumber=2
  13. CYA34

    Meet and Greet?

    Thanks for the compliment, it definatly was worth the wait. I was hoping for some ideas as far as venues to meet up at and possibly day and time lets say Sat????? at about time ??????. Any ideas would be helpful, Maybe Autobarn Springwood or BP Yatla,Dreamworld carpark ??????????? Lets get the Skylines Australia thing happening in Bris, I'm so sick of having such great cars but no club.
  14. CYA34

    Carbon Fibre

    Ouch I don't know what the full carbon fibre bonnet on my 34 is worth but I was told you can pay up to about 3 or 4 G for those. I'm just lucky it came with the car.
  15. CYA34

    Meet and Greet?

    ParagOn I've got some pics of my ride on my mates site check it out if you like. http://www.toyotaturbo.com/matesrides.htm
  16. CYA34

    Meet and Greet?

    I've already won he now owns and loves Skylines.HAHAHAHAHAHAH, Here's 10Bucks So were's a good meeting place that's good for everyone?
  17. CYA34

    Meet and Greet?

    Sounds like we've got somthing happing he're Let's maybe meet up somtime this week and cruise on Sat ? By the way DAD "NIZR34GTt" you wish!
  18. CYA34

    Meet and Greet?

    Yeh that's my new baby I used to have anR32 with NIS32 Plates but this one is Definatley more fun. :->
  19. CYA34

    Meet and Greet?

    Cool let me me know if you want to catch up I'm up for it. Any excuse to drive.
  20. CYA34

    Meet and Greet?

    That sounds cool. I'm good for it It's still 2 weeks away. I was hoping to catch up with everyone a bit earlier if possible maybe at Autobarn? wherever?
  21. I was wondering if anyone wants to get together next week we're keen to hook up with other sky owners. Where? When? We're out at Calamvale and need to do some crusing.
  22. I suppose that you could remember that your driving a giant billboard "as cool as they are. And the bad press that any modifyed any car driver gets latley is giving the police even more reason to pull you over for anything they like wether it's for stupid things or not..
  23. Cool I'll have to check in and caych up with where's the beat hang out I'm getting a few guys together and the BWCP getting a bit hot
  24. It's pretty easy to tell it's got a carbon fibre bonnet and the Silver Model 7 AVS Wheels.
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