I'm looking at getting a recently-imported R33 from a dealer in VIC. According to them, the car is complied and has a RWC.
What kind of registration costs am I look at to get this car driving? I've been checking the VICRoads site and have come up with more than enough information to utterly confuse me.
For example, there is a section relating to the Registration of an imported vehicle.
I'm not sure how much of this page, if any, applies to me as it details Import approval and compliance, etc (things that have already been done).
To make things even less clear, the Buying and Selling section indicates that a car can usually only be sold in one of two ways: with an RWC or without an RWC (though the vehicle would have no plates and NOT be registered). Given that the car does have an RWC (for now), is it likely that the car is actually already registered in AU?
If the car IS registered, would that mean a (relatively) simple Vehicle Registration Transfer form need only be completed and the Transfer Fee's paid?
If NOT registered, am I likely to have to go through the full Initial Registration process (appointments, inspections, registrations, Traffic Accident Charges, insurance duty, number plates and stamp duty)?
Any help would be appreciated