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About SLIDN31

  • Birthday 21/12/1979

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  1. lol, i dont mind the pics. Its good to see other peoples interest . yeh i have exactly the same clearance with my sump and k frame. How did you go with the steering and starter motor? Any fouling issues? I had trouble with the uni joint on the shaft hitting and binding on the starter motor.... Heres the link to my build..... http://s748.photobucket.com/albums/xx127/Marks31/
  2. lol, i never went crazy in the silo, just enough to make me smile!! There will b plenty of passenger seats
  3. yeh Ad's, im gonna do a private day in dec for my bday, so if ure keen to bring ure car or just passenger in cars all day....lol, canon is going strong!! Nismokid, ide go neo....stupid power from those things before openimg them up...plus it may be cheaper lol Yeh im glad i did MBS206, so good for something different and the sound lol.... ule love it!! Canniabiscorpse, got heaps of gopro on car vids, trying to edit the boring bits lol. Yeh ppl always dbl take haha, thats wat makes it so entertaining for me haha
  4. thanks man......but i posted these in the wrong one haha. i thought this was my thread , sorry
  5. lol cheers bud. Here are a couple of vids from a mates private day at Tailem bend last friday SOOOOOOOO much fun
  6. haha, yeh this thing is insane, just drop it in third n it starts baking lol. I clove the V8 power, Here are a couple of vids from a mates private day at tailem Bend last friday :-)
  7. LOL, gotta change it!!
  8. Haha, yeh thats it. The 25 n ls1 are nearly the same power, but yeh, the V8 has my vote for good fun, just needs to rev harder. Makes power to 5700rpm, but revs to 6400 lol. You can hear the leveling of the power when im going around turn 1. No biggie though, ile learn how to drive first, that was my first practice ever......8 laps lol and drift school, about 3 hrs in the car all up. I just cant wait for the next day...... 10th of June Ad's, tailem bend.
  9. Cheers guys. HAHA 31 pimp, classic!! Yeh it is slightly lighter all up. But suprisingly its awesome to drive, very throttle controlable which i love, not a shitload of steering coz so far i have done alot with the right foot lol....just love the torque of it
  10. Ah ok. Yeah we are the same when it comes to all the tests. You have to have papers and reports on EVERYTHING when you go for your inspection. I have a whole folder in my car that i have to carry around with me at all times for the police haha. Yeh my mate said it wouldnt be easy but its do-able.... But like you said $$$$$. In total over here, it will be about 4k for papers, compared to 2k for the RB, not to mention RB's being a hell of alot cheaper. The set up i have will be fine apparently, the only thing is the clutch bleeder location.....a hole in the passenger side tunnel with an extension to bleed LOL
  11. Sorry forgot this was a Vis topic. WOW i though SA was the toughest with engineering! But they are actually about 245fwkw, S2 VY n VZ SS, not being a smart arse, and put out the same torque as my 25 got approved with. How do you guys go about engineering? Do you have to under go seperate tests at a certain price per test? Chassis strength tests, lane changing tests, braking tests?
  12. Not sure how to do these multi quote things, sorry for this.....built mine in 2 months....only 3k over budget
  13. Not sure what a VASS is.....Pretty sure you can get anything engineered, its just how much your willing to put down. I got my 25 done very easily, just people are not willing to spend 2-3k on a shitty r31....but i like mine.
  14. thought i would throw these in.....keep forgetting where i have posted lol Mine finished and being thrashed as we speak lol. Yeh a mate who is an engineer said he can approve it for me, basically the same as my 25det went through for engineering... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/355725-ls1r31/
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