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About Rav3nNZ

  • Birthday 02/08/1989

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    1998 R33 Gts-t
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  1. Yeh it also depends on the kind of paint obviously and if any repair work needs to be done. Definitely look around but id recommend a reputable place as not everyone can match paint as well as youd like...
  2. Idk $1000 is getting up there, if you were getting a spoiler resprayed too then id say its a good price. I can get a front bumper resprayed for about $200 so would expect it to be about $6-700 all up if there's no spoiler.
  3. The internals can cope with over 20psi easy as, they just cant handle a certain amount of power. Ive heard you shouldn't run more than 17psi on factory head gasket, change that and your all good to go.
  4. Ive heard that you can but you need to get better screws as the cheaper ones break. But at the end of the day its controlling something that can destroy your engine, imagine if it breaks and causes thousands of dollars worth of damage just so you could save $200 odd in the beginning. You get what you pay for.
  5. Do you have a Pod filter? i know exactly what you mean if you do, all s2 r33's and r34 gtt's have a different intake wheel than the other skylines and it sounds shit compared to other turbos. its like a full on ssshhhhh instead of a nice loud whistle while using a pod. who knows maybe the bov is leaking under full load idk
  6. Check this thread out - http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Gt...ve-t134940.html
  7. You will most likely get over the pods noise, i did pretty quick, if you get a standard airbox from a wreckers and get an hks/apexi/greddy high flow panel filter itl go just as hard and sound so much better. With the intercooler you can get return flow intercoolers so no cutting needed. Blitz: http://justjap.com/store/product.php?produ...at=0&page=1 Cooling Pro: http://justjap.com/store/product.php?produ...at=0&page=1 If you can cut the metal then id highly reccommend getting this - http://www.streettuned.com.au/index.php?_a...p;productId=155 Im getting an HDI later this year, heard VERY good things about them. and lol getting pulled over 40mins after buying your car. ftp
  8. Crashed earlier this year an couldnt really afford to repair at the time, other priorities. But now FINALLY getting fixed! Managed to score a genuine GTR wing before it went in too!! will have before and after pics once its done.
  9. Yeh i know what you mean ay! pods on factory turbo sound soo bad i was considering selling my car as it just wasnt fun to drive around off boost, yes it was annoying me that much! I bought a factory airbox off trademe and an greddy filter and it sounds sooooooooo good!!! fell in love all over again. I think its around 170-180rwkw but havnt had it dyno tuned. It goes bloody well an gets to 100 in around 5 - 5.5 secs.
  10. Fark i keep forgetting their illegal over there. haha
  11. Ok THIS i can understand you hating on them, these are the wankers that are giving BOV's a bad name. I just want my car to sound nice the way i want, not be a wanker and a danger to people.
  12. I don't understand the flaming of BOV's aye, this is a fair question, he wants an answer not someones shit opinion of them. if you like them cool, if you dont, cool. Why cant we leave it at that.
  13. Yeh theres the ones on justjap that go into factory piping, but are they the return flow ones your talking about? Could always get a new plazmaman plenum if ya got the dosh that is
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