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.:: GimpS-R34 ::.

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Everything posted by .:: GimpS-R34 ::.

  1. good to see you can copy and paste
  2. I plant Clays where the traffic is.. Or a known camper spot
  3. $2 incl. postage
  4. I would still ask the owner to get a RWC from their state.. cause although it's invalid in your state and different rules mean some parts will require changing.. You also will know that their is no maintenance parts needing replacement.. bushes, etc as these items can add up and end up costing money
  5. and where is this mist you speak of
  6. how about including the 4th
  7. 20 bucks considering its so shit LOL
  8. my upload speeds aren't much different to yours and i play xbox everyday.. no problems.. maybe its the user LOL
  9. Here you go.. There's pictures between the quotes but meh...
  10. so just your game then.. you must be enjoying it..
  11. No it's worse.. Should be an IQ test on sign up.. learn to spell cause your spelling is worse than a retarded person..
  12. lolz
  13. yeah but i have an i12 government spec only which comes equiped with a 10 inch e-penis..
  14. haha trust Birds to be on it..
  15. You'd wanna make a visit to Bozodos then..
  16. is this a game or a boring RL.. sounds like a council members job but with actual work invovled and less photos being taken..
  17. drive both.. make your choice.. /thread
  18. thread is dead.. she's gone and never to return
  19. They will probably require the hole to have a plate welded over it.. When I got my car they requested reinforcing steel be welded around the hole and was passed.. Suppose it really depends on the place doing the RWC and whether it is legal is different.. Will have to speak to an engineer that can give you a cert. as to what they require to get one..
  20. But... But.. But her facebook account hasn't been set-up yet.. I stopped posting here in the hopes this thread will die.. But Mohsen was just being so ghey.. And the wasteland seems deserted as of late.. And that means it's not desserted which would actually be a postive thing.. This thread should now be about dessert.. And cake..
  21. *to If no one got finance for cars and just bought what they had money for.. There would either be x100 more shitbox cars or alot of people walking..maybe you shouldnt buy a house till you could afford it LOL.. Banks will give you finance.. Spesh if you got equity on your house..
  22. Manual conversion LOL
  23. Nah.. 2 years response time sounds about right for the police..
  24. I think a comma would be required here.. This is not what girls do Mohsen.. This is what you do to girls.. There's the next lesson for you
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