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.:: GimpS-R34 ::.

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Everything posted by .:: GimpS-R34 ::.

  1. This. This is what i remember of DN.. And playing first level of DN3D.. On my 386 LOL
  2. They are so poor they smash up something worth alot of money.. The guy's not coming back and probably doesnt care about the car as he's prob taken all the monies and living it up in saudi
  3. Duke Nukem has stayed classic and that's what we love about it. I'd still hit it
  4. See there's your problem.. What you should have been thinking was "If I beeped my horn right now I bet I could get him to smack his head on something would be soooo funny"
  5. if only your name wasnt paul i'd buy this straight away
  6. Are you positively annoyed friend?
  7. FYP for more accuracy
  8. it's funny what threads you find when you search this forum for "R34 workshop manual"
  9. Tried getting a price from Godzilla Motorsport?
  10. well played.. except i'm more of a milkshake diet man.. too lazy to bother with jenny craig
  11. you're still stupid.. admin says so
  12. This man Callan.. He knows.. Basically answered it all for you.. Don't use tap water because it contains minerals and added chemicals for safe consumption. But the car does not want this. I use Redline Water Wetter mix with Distilled Water and 30% Glycol Coolant as it's used in street too so it was an anti-freeze/boil included.. If you are on the street and not thrashing your car a bit then just normal coolant will be fine
  13. haha Matt's stupid.. Admin says so..
  14. I don't think either console is shit.. They are both good for playing games. Saying PS3 or Xobx is shit by comparing Farza and GT5 is stupid. That's like watching a DVD movie and not enjoying it. Then turn around saying the DVD player is shit because of that.. Haters gonna hate
  15. Well apparently, Nilmur is my new nemesis.. Oh it's on! LOL gg guys, really need to get back into it before we do another.. you could really tell which ones havent been on in a while and which ones attend the church of CSS BTW Ash, i teabagged the shit outta you when you died
  16. Yeah dude way too expensive.. I'd say that Front B/B would stand for Front Bumper Bar but who knows.. Maybe they quoted you for spraying a whole kit and then just broke it down to front bar only if you wanted to go ahead with the front bar only? And do yourself a favour.. Go get more than one quote so you can compare..
  17. just so you know.. you can press the multiquote button on all the posts you wanna reply to and do it all in one go instead of waiting 30seconds to make the next reply.. Also you may as well post your pic up here as anyone can just d/l the pic and upload on the forum
  18. This. Isn't. Facebook Me. Nice. How dare you. I have a reputation to uphold ps. Has Birds signed up to your friends list by any chance?
  19. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/344505-damaged-red-r35-at-auction/ second post down to his original thread
  20. what annoys me the most is i'll be downloading at 1.2mbps and outta no where for ono reason i'll be dling at 4.5kbps.. even if the rest of my internet is running fine.. takes forever to get the updates
  21. i'll try get on if i got time avail. havent played css in a good while now so not sure what i'll play like LOL.. will have to get on early as i'm sure i'll have 11ty updates for steam and CSS
  22. yeah it was your own personal plane which can be driven on the road.. It was all supposed to fly autonomously. And that's the same reason i think this won't work in main steam.. tsome of the monkeys on the road will think they can just let the car drive for them and eat/read the paper and crash.. just look at that silly bitch in USA that thought cruise control meant the car drives itself and got up and went in the back (winnebago)
  23. Yeah i'm talking more on here.. Shell, jrm, liz, etc don't go drawing attention to themselves, this isnt facebook.. All the attention seekers who generally don't hang around too long because from the attention half are horny nerds who wanna hook-in and soon drop off due to not getting results.. The other half (wastelenders) just come in because they've mentioned they're a girl in the thread title and come to write sexual shit for the lulz.. And Mohsen I'm trying to set you up with some poontang boy.. And still you wreck it.. oh and ps. You should buy Mohsens car because mohsen isnt allowed to drive it.. And thought he could be one of those cool p platers with the turbo..
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