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.:: GimpS-R34 ::.

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Everything posted by .:: GimpS-R34 ::.

  1. haha some show on Turbo MAX did that.. had some guys real life car.. the steering wheel came off so he could attach the game wheel and sat in his car to play.. kinda gay though..
  2. You can def put me down for a set on next group buy Phil
  3. Get better internets matt.. how about i download them for you and you can just dl them from me hahaha
  4. yeah had organised to go to the midnight launch at jb.. not going anymore.. you can download a copy of Black ops on torrents.. i didnt bother as i don't have any chips in my consoles and i'm happy to wait..
  5. Might wanna list where you plan on going Go Karting...
  6. Yeah things that annoyed me.. Game was too fast i reckon.. The golden trail led me in directions that was false for every now and then, in which it would suddenly tell me to go back where i was coming from.. or it wasnt even there and you had to walk around to get it to show.. the days jumped down large amounts and yeah the last 2 days of royal proclamations it never let you do other shit.. jsut proclamations and the days were over.. then next thing i knew darkness had come and 4.6mil people died instantly LOL.. Along those lines if you be a good boy you get royally f**ked.. be bad and the phesants winge and hate you even though you're trying to save their lives.. STFU and die quietly.. Starting off was awesome but once you gotta nail down the coin.. you can slowly start buying houses and businesses.. but once you own a few its easy to buy the rest.. But trying to get 6.5mil $$$ to save everyone the good way takes forever and you got nothing to do during that time.. So homo.. I ended up just letting 4.6mil die but that was majorly because they didnt say how many days it was jumping by..
  7. Kenneh and empathy don't go together.. I suggest you get your mum to dress in a small bikini and get her to strut past him.. usually works.. hks33, yeah your bank will take your money immediatly even though the transfer won't happen stragiht away.. banks will get enormous amounts of interest by holding the money.. then it will take longer due to being transferred to international currency.. all depends on the banks really..
  8. Reacharounds for money Kenneh? hks33, you eman the money left your account? How do you know that it has cleared on their side.. As i said the banks take your money and can hold it.. So it may not go into RHD account for 2-3 days.. Then RHD need to attach that payment with your order.. RHD are well known for being a reputable company as you've found out so dont stress.. I waited 3 months for DBA to amke some new slotted rotors for me.. Just gotta be patient.. On a side note.. Just think of the waiting times had it have been Nengun.. If you want things quicker, buy from Aust suppliers..
  9. First Class eh.. *pulls out Monocle*
  10. get the glove out and tell em you deserve respect and challenge them to a duel.. in all regards mate.. to keep this on topic.. you don't know if it was yesterday or the day before.. 1. get your facts straight about it.. 2. RHD are a respected company and won't dick you around. 3. it's international transfer some banks can piss fart around transferring it 4. they don't have someone looking at the money coming in just waiting and have an email typed up ready to let you know.. just give it a few days.. send them an email informing you have made payment on 03/11/10 and to advise payment received and eta times.. 5. ??? 6. profit
  11. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/JJ...li-t187108.html it's on the same page ffs.. read the thread.. make your choice.. some have problems with JJR.. some dont.. some have problems with YJ.. some dont.. some have problems with splitfires.. some don't.. make your choice and go from there..
  12. haha wut.. so they won't chase you for illegally passing through the servo station then eh.. noticed you arent getting a turbo anymore then.. [200] is here.. waits for abuse..
  13. Damn... Looks like we enjoy the same type of porn then... I'd prefer the 350Z option instead of the red Z tune one.. oh well will have to keep an eye out for that next something..
  14. Should have it detect police that park illegally to get some lunch or whatever.. or those police bikes during peak traffic illegally driving on the highway between cars.. has anyone else (in sth east qld) noticed how many of them are doing this during peak hour on the M1
  15. errr.. ok.. i didnt know RBT setup at the same spot and only one of them.. next time i'll be sure to just turn around when the cops have an RBT.. i mean its not like they chase you or anything.. seriously.. which govt let the retards enter australia?
  16. ON a second note: This is the second tool to post stupid ass shit.. i hereby propose hks33 = La Bomba SweetAsBrahh = La Bomba.. 2 down.. 165 users to go..
  17. Wow.. never knew you could avoid where they place RANDOM Breath Test.. Better to leave those P Plates off.. just add to the shit the cops can get ya for..
  18. Yeah heaps different.. It's ok i suppose.. Main story seemed too quick compared to 1 & 2.. You basically have to overthrow your brother the evil tyrant.. only to find this Darkness is coming in a year.. So you choose to be good to your people and have to lose money.. Or bad, then everyone hates you but you get to save 6.5 mil people.. Or you can raise the money yourself.. It's prob worth buying but may not enjoy it as much as Fable 2..
  19. haha cause anyone can just download a pc game.. EB arent all bad.. I buy a few preowned games fro there.. But their pre owned prices on some games.. Some of them are more expensive then buying new.. what idiots.. and a $10 less than new price? I'd rather buy it new.. Once they have sales i'm in there.. But all the new stuff I'll buy from Big W or JB
  20. haters gonna hate.. my missus is the same.. But she can make one hell of a sammich..
  21. I'm finally back on this game tonight.. Put it aside while i played Fable III.. Wasnt as big as the others i reckon..
  22. What about the 350Z wheel.. Got any US hook ups Phil? I always wanted this wheel supposed to fit GTR so GTT will work.. But that was from Andru.. Wouldnt trust any of his posts. Anyway here's the thread on it.. 350Z Steering Wheel
  23. Can be sentenced to Jail for up to 10 years.. Car is impounded for 2 years and you need to fork out for the impound fees
  24. Sounds great.. I'll be down for diff and gb if you can confirm sizes
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