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.:: GimpS-R34 ::.

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Everything posted by .:: GimpS-R34 ::.

  1. a projection clock is for poofters..
  2. speak to chris rogers.. he's a member on the forum.. you'll usually find him in the audio & security section.. if not he usually finds these threads.. i believe from memory you can possibly do something with some of them.. but still won't function as it did in japan..
  3. no it's not... you get used to the power easy enough and you'll either crave more which makes you more obvious to police or you'll regret it if you get caught..
  4. LOL gw mark.. Although it was shocking.. was still good to see you run.. still had some awesome times..
  5. Well it's never hurt to ask for a quote
  6. do a search mate.. that exact same question has been asked..
  7. Yeah i'd call in to a fiberglass place and get a quote.. they are gonna prob need fitting to suit anyways..
  8. yes but if your gonna go spend 15k on a r34 just to sell for a loss in a few years and then get a turbo model.. IMO you are better off getting some cheaper car and sell that off later and get the turbo..
  9. i'd say the "glorified camry" saying would be something he read on the forums.. i've seen it mentioned a couple of times and he looks to have read a few threads.. just test drive the car your interested in and go from there.. no point asking the forums members if you arent satisfied with the power output..
  10. 1. Go to dealer 2. Take a test drive 3. Buy or not based on opinion 4. ???? 5. Profit
  11. Ended up going.. Plans were cancelled last minute LOL... I was down with the first supra.. Although he broke his tailshaft.. Still an awesome day..
  12. LOL 2TB WD External $187...
  13. what sort of accessories are you talking about.. you gotta be ALOT more specific on that..
  14. This would finally stop the missus from finding and deleting my porn..
  15. i believe there was seperate cars used for the 34gtr... one was a gtr others were gt or gtt...
  16. i think due to previous circumstances.. hel should honor any qty we provide..
  17. is that because they work for free?
  18. it's not gonna be a cheap fix if you want the car to last.. should have made the claim as it is an issue now.. the dents you could try a dent doctor.. but your poaint sounds dodgy as it is.. so a full respray sounds like it will solve the issue permanently.. on the other hand.. how cheap you sell for?
  19. Wireless Adaptors Newer versions also.. Prices have dropped now that the slim has it built in
  20. Di it.. maybe it will start to shut the retards up..
  21. you can get R34 in bayside blue.. it's not just GTR.. but it just hard to find.. but it's not impossible... this colour was only avail. in the series 2 i believe although some would prob be avail as resprays.. i havent heard of s2 having bigger brakes..
  22. was looking to go.. but having forgot about going away.. so i'm missing it... But powercruise still available.. Would have loved to see Mark in his 32...
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