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.:: GimpS-R34 ::.

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Everything posted by .:: GimpS-R34 ::.

  1. do a search of your topic on here.. there is 2 topics easily in the top 5 search results..
  2. and unless his car is a write-off he would have to pay excess just to be back where he started..
  3. Could always take it to court, claim that you received your full licence in the mail.. and were none the wiser.. you MAY happen to get a judge on a nice day, play stupid and they could take it easy on you.. howeve i don't know considering they will be looking to crack down on P platers breaking the new laws.. imo i agree that the law is the law but 1 wk out doesnt make you any less of a driver.. you won't magically be able to handle a more powerful car..
  4. did he claim that 6 pack on insurance? shoulda told em it was a carton
  5. some dodgy/inexperienced owners will use anything to get it done/not go to a professional.. so yeah if someone used super glue / araldite, etc.. i wouldnt be surprised at all
  6. the trigger on the up is prob faulty.. not getting connection.. prob easiest thing to do is replace the whole switch.. check around where your "button" is that turns your int. light on and make sure the door trim is attached properly/anything unusual.. could poss have a trigger height problem and needs adjusting..
  7. all depends on how they got attached.. could try remove with heat/prying..
  8. post said info to backup this factory stroker..
  9. Yeah my mates dad had a skip bin business.. one of his workers used the truck to lift a motorbike stragiht up onto it.. Got caught never the less the dick (how stupid can you be) but it isnt hard to take the car somewhere else to work on
  10. Bus Upgrade Zone
  11. Its a britain mag.. cars over there are usually smaller cars as alot of areas have smaller roads and bigger cars just wont work
  12. yeah my pfc was installed and tuned by mark.. was $545, didnt wanna post a figure as yours may require more tuning or he may have put his price up (mine was couple yrs ago).. but still 1k easily and you don't need to worry.. he knows his stuff and will do an excellent job
  13. yeah stand around shit long enough and you get used to the smell
  14. ^^^ correct, and what i was going to say.. you can either tell him to pay off the loan first.. or write one chq out to him and one to the bank.. if he owes more money on the car then what he is selling for then walk away unless he pays it off.. and do be sure to check that there is only one loan on the car.. if he pays it off you can get another revs check 48hrs later and show the financials are gone..
  15. LOL retards still allowed to breed..
  16. matt spry PITS mark - GODZILLA MOTORsport.. easily get it installed and tuned for 1k and will have lots left over..
  17. just amagen that eh.. i can almost imagine it..
  18. This has been shown before..
  19. if FAST is saying the car is N/A.. you might find its had an engine transplant in japland?
  20. You can buy people on ebay?!
  21. post up your in in the fast thread and someone can tell easy
  22. Yeah and if your going by the Odometer you will have to fork out for a 100k service in under 10k.. So your first service is going to be $$$$
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