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.:: GimpS-R34 ::.

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Everything posted by .:: GimpS-R34 ::.

  1. yeah MR XTC on the forums here was selling his to upgrade to manual.. he took care of his and is worth it.. he's in NSW too
  2. what's the product code? someone on here can tell you if that pfc suits your car? and did you buy it new or s/h?
  3. hands too busy with the rebuild david???
  4. southside here too.. near beenleigh.. i don't get out much cause i'm a hermit.. lol.. just too busy with work and doing house up.. gotta get out more lol
  5. +1 for why? if you take that panel off the door you will find that it probly clicks in and you won't need to cut, just pull the connector off
  6. he looks upset in the pic that you caught him
  7. perfect fitment.. had no dramas fitting them up..
  8. errr $3000 rebate on a new car.. not 3k in hand
  9. would you be looking at doing this weekends or during work hrs? what locations are you looking at? i may be avail. depending on when/where My Car
  10. i hate people claiming they got a R34 GTR in their details.. and yet really they don't even have a GTT And Cara.. DMD do a R34 GTT front fender with wider guards.. as they make these themselves i believe i'm sure you could ask without the vents.. www.dmdtheimage.com My DMD Guards
  11. i also heard about the higher tax.. anyone confirm this? wondering also.. would there be a stae the car has to be in to get the rebate.. could you perhaps strip the car of valuable parts LOL and trade in the car, then sell the extra parts you removed to others LOL
  12. "the trick is that you car has to be worth at least the price you would get if you traded it" This already implies that unless you want a new car then trade price is always less then selling private.. so private sale = more money for your shit box.. and then go buy a new car lol edit: just read ABC and their story implies any value car qualifys for full $3000 LOL.. conflicting stories ^^^ ignore above if ABC is correct, add above comment if telegraph is correct Also they have so many car that unless there is a massive turn around i can still see lay-offs cause the car production isn't going to pick up a mass amount again.. this will just allow owners/stockholders/CEO's to get more money for themselves.. rich get richer scheme.. instead they should just lower the profits they make on the cars so it's more tempting to buy a new car.. they make billions of dollars profit..
  13. i'd say possible turbo sppol too.. do you both have pods? could be all it is.. your mates would be quieter cause lower boost.. see what others say
  14. i suggest if you can't afford to lose license and pay the fine.. would be to not do 45k/s over the limit lol
  15. yeah you need a 'tap'.. i got plenty @ work.. problem is that once you retap it your removing more material and will not be secure..
  16. i'm thinking if you ask in a few more sections it might imporve your situation
  17. Just in case they didnt tell you.. Autobarn have it LOL.. nah but its really easy to put in.. can cut it with household sissors LOL or ask the boys at autobarn to do it.. flash em a smile? maybe get it done for free.. LOL and then with mine i just silicon'd it in so i can easily remove laters if i choose to
  18. is the thread all rusty and dirty? clean both threads with inox or CRC if so, and a wire brush (or old tooth brush) on the bolt thread to ensure no shit caught up.. if the thread itself is buggered, your gonna have to try re-thread it or weld something in there
  19. just a quick answer. search the forum
  20. yeah i wasnt sure if you saw he was in canada.. assuming that as ppl have stated and GTR R34 headlights are the same as GTT.. wouldnt all GTR be in xenon? can FAST find codes for GTR headlight and then you know will be xenon? or it doesnt work like that?
  21. well he didnt exactly get away with it in the end..
  22. he's in canada... so he wouldnt have a R34.. assuming 32 - 34 front conversion? if so he wants R34 xenon headlights (complete headlight)
  23. because qld's revenue is down and someones gotta get it back up..
  24. yeah post up some pics and basics on how you did it aye..
  25. ^^^ hell yeah.. where can you buy those from.. not showing on newera site...
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