1. That is an R34..
2. It clearly states that its a gt-t with rb26.. not a GTR
3. a REAL GTR can't do handbrakeys
4. and if i'm not mistaken arent you under the p plate laws prohibiting you from driving a turbo or GTR
But to answer your question..
I've seen R33 GTR's as low as 19k.. but simply put, it will most prob depend on the condition they're in, i wouldnt look at R33 GTR under 25k without expecting problems or urgent sale for some reason.. R34 GTR will be min. $40k
yes GTR's come twin turbo but can have conversion to a large single turbo..
GT-T is the Turbo version R34.. it has RB25DET NEO... Single Turbo, RWD not 4WD.. etc etc..