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.:: GimpS-R34 ::.

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Everything posted by .:: GimpS-R34 ::.

  1. yes they don't come factory immobiliser.. however you are buying a second hand car.. wait to see what is in the car.. then if not they are cheap enough to get one installed.. personally i'd upgrade the alarm to have one with immob. included
  2. patience.. lots of patience
  3. my water temps stay around 78-82 my oil temp never goes above 55.. but its got an oil cooler
  4. R34? lol do you mean R35? in your details it says you got a commy??? not a skyline?? and 3rdly for your second q.. some frown.. but as long as you dont badge it as a gtr then you should be fine with baby jesus.. however i wouldnt use any parts that have GTR on them either.. and to clarify.. its R34 GT-T... they dropped to S in the 34.. and also like to mention.. it's costly to put flared out the rear gaurds on and requires alot of work..
  5. it's in every skyline owners garage.. and shed.. and bedroom.. the nullabor Terry??? I think that's the nissan grave yard..
  6. don't stress too much.. they are always like this.. lazy f**ks.. its cause your case isnt serious in their books.. and yes if you try to get copies of something they don't wish to give out... they make it hard.. i tried to get copies of statements that i had made and they refused to give them up.. even with letters written from my lawyer.. which is illegal.. the system unfortunately doesnt work.. if you can provide evidence enough that you are innocent then you stand a chance.. although the system decides in the end.. so be nice to the magistrate.. dress nice.. don't portray yourself as a hoon in anyway possible (look like the model citizen, not a youth) and the magistrate will look at you in a different light.. i wore full suits to court even tho everyone else wore normal clothes... and another thing to remember.. these prosecutors are not queens court.. they arent too hard to shut down.. try embarrassing him or showing that he doesnt have correct facts (if he doesnt)... shows the magistrate that they are just trying to get you for something that you havent done... i'm sure you have all the info you need at the moment.. these are just things i've picked up to help boost your case.. and i dont think they should be difficult for you as you are in fact innocent.. but also as i stated.. the system gets to decide..
  7. LMFAO... i like your answer
  8. its easy.. go to autobarn.. i had the ones that go with the sound.. engine revs.. fading.. always on.. costs $300.. you can screw it to the body.. or side skirts.. mine stayed on even when the ignition is off... just run it to a switch i had them in my vt.. so flame away lol.. but it was built as a show car and let me tell you.. it won't pick up chicks.. maybe 7-10yrs ago it would have but in todays age.. your prob gonna get laughed at... they arent hard to hook up.. run the wires into the transformer.. and then to a switch.. the switch needs power (run off a fuse.. and then ground the earth wire.. done.. oh and they are the neon bars not the led ones.. where bouts in brisbane are you?
  9. i think 750 they supposed to be at stock..
  10. shoot me a PM when you do another GB.. i'd be in too
  11. interested.. but will like some photos first
  12. they will exempt you for work purposes as stated.. is it you job? No, then they won't exempt you.. and yeah they will know you are using it as a daily.. which means you are trying to loop hole the law.. they won't do it
  13. don't put R18+ on any games.. just release them all as MA15+ lol
  14. he did.. that's where he said that he took it back and won't get it for 4 days..
  15. yes that was the car yard
  16. LMFAO... omg there really isnt anything to see..
  17. 1. That is an R34.. 2. It clearly states that its a gt-t with rb26.. not a GTR 3. a REAL GTR can't do handbrakeys 4. and if i'm not mistaken arent you under the p plate laws prohibiting you from driving a turbo or GTR But to answer your question.. I've seen R33 GTR's as low as 19k.. but simply put, it will most prob depend on the condition they're in, i wouldnt look at R33 GTR under 25k without expecting problems or urgent sale for some reason.. R34 GTR will be min. $40k yes GTR's come twin turbo but can have conversion to a large single turbo.. GT-T is the Turbo version R34.. it has RB25DET NEO... Single Turbo, RWD not 4WD.. etc etc..
  18. As terry says.. that car was on these forums.. like 6 months ago.. a guy on here was interested in buying it and wanted to know who owned it as it was being stored at a car yard.. from my understanding he bought the thing and was trying to off load the wheels on here.. so yes sounds like a scam
  19. yeah but al in all i have to say that its a damn big improvement from that hideous beast the MY08...i wouldnt have even judged it.. let alone put it last
  20. well DMD do shipping too.. i'd recommend DMD over carmate..
  21. i bought a bonnet for my VT from carmate.. had no problems.. however i have read others saying stay away.. so i think its just a toss of the coin.. but where are you located? DMD in QLD is where i bought my R34 front fenders from.. and they fit beautifully www.dmdtheimage.com
  22. When i bought my GTT they didnt pass roadworthy due to the intercooler piping going through the same area.. and to pass it needed reinforced plating.. i'd suggest getting a plate welded on and then getting an engineers cert.. with the engineers plate on the car it would be stupid of the copper to defect you when you can just go to court and show the plate clearly labeled and then go for the harrassment road and get the copper on notice
  23. i just realised that the guy bought injectors off a guy named "888_2008"... HTF didnt he see a scam comming.. would have been better off buying from someone named "scammer"
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