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Everything posted by INVRTD

  1. update needed?????
  2. whales are awsome i still reckon the gtr has alot of the shape of the r33
  3. procrastinate go driving make blow off nosies as i walk listen to loud music think im c00l
  4. sorry im out ill be on the way to Richmond, good luck to all those entering
  5. ooooo they look so sexy, yeah im the noob who didnt put name on the letter, my bad, pm sent
  6. yeah sucks to have had the dollar fall so much of late, good to see everything still movign along tho
  7. i live in canberra atm but im orginally a geelong/melbourne boy, i love hearing the guys here complain abouot the one or two occasional cameras that are around, vic's know what a real camera swamp is like ay, mind you there are alot of cop cars here so i guess it balances out
  8. very nice looking ride mate, good luck with the sale, free bump
  9. as much as i look at doing my car up i keep hitting the conclusion that its more economical in the long run to buy a car with close to the power that i want done the right way, i see a few cars here and there selling because people spend so much time and money in a car they get over it when close to done, i would suggest getting one of those,
  10. i managed to score some leave for hoem friday to monday wont be there this week guys, drive safe alex
  11. just make sure that you cover all electricals, our cars are getting old and i wouldnt trust a lot of the old seals, when i cleaneded mine i used a tin of elbow grease abd plain cloths and some general purpose cleaner in warm water came up a treat
  12. just an update to say the lights are still looking good and have tried it on a couple mistu's and getting good results there too, also works great on lightly scratche cds (use at your own descretion, you have been warned, lol)
  13. plastX a meguiars plastic polish it works a treat, i have seen a new set of 34 xenons go for over 1200
  14. washed again ands still comming up a treat, ill give the quick detailer a go sunday i think
  15. ok my battery was tested, was totally stuffed, but it ok because i have a 3year warrenty and got it swapped, i uprgraded at the ssame time to a 550cca battery insted, its a bit bigger so ill spend today changing the terminals and making another lock down bar, cant wait to start her up
  16. ok i have a new battery, im gonna fit it and make it this friday if it kills me, grrr, need my skyline fix
  17. nawww, just think of the one thats gonna go back in and youll be right
  18. im in im in, please, internet has been down shall email you asap
  19. mmm if only i help out for 6months ild have paid for my car already, oh well as they say, its life, and sh*t happens, so enjoy it while you can
  20. yeah back home we have decent speed track and karts, mad fun, i just hatted being able to max out the power round corners insted of traction, just not right, just feeling that you can give it more and there is none, made me sad, good day tho, i think go karts is more about the group enviroment and the likes
  21. yeah thats my favourite spot for car stickers
  22. are they better/ worse in your opinion then the hume go karts, the hume karts seemed to max out pretty easy
  23. new alternator installed today at "spence auto electrics" brilliant guy did a great job $50 couldnt be happier wheres this guy at, think i wanna go get my electrics checked over, sounds pretty resonably priced, thanks in advance
  24. is hume go karts the only ones in canberra???? paintball sports over near fairbairn park was great
  25. grrr at the naggin screwed battery problem, shoud be getting a phone call from the Exide battry people today to come to the Academy and swap it over. then im out on Friday yay
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