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Everything posted by hcr32sky240sx

  1. i have the right mafs its green label its j60 which is rb20 but the if u reaad my post.. the problem my pigtail is an rb25 series 2 and the wire colors do not match.." so bascilly all i want to know is how to wire the pigtal to my rb20 mafs harness.. is that so hard??? and yes its stock ecu
  2. Today i did some fooling around with different maf sensors.. today i took the n60 mafs off and out. I went and re-installed my stock rb20 mafs. When i had the rb20 mafs wired up my car started right up with no starting fluid and started smooth but my idle was still high and now it started smoking black!!! so i took the rb20 maf out and went back to the n60 mafs. n60 mafs car wouldn't start without spraying starting fluid but once started and running i noticed the n60 mafs my car will not smoke black. so one last time i went and re-installed the stock rb20 mafs again and car started right up smooth but was smoking black again.. and also while car running... car running unpluggin the n60 mafs car will stall out.... car running unpluggin the rb20 mafs car will not stall out. so what is going on guys? am I wiring my mafs wrong or something??? ecu is still not throwing any codes other than 55. ok and this i just found out with some searching... it seems lik when running the rb20 afm i just found out my rb20 maf is using a rb25 series 2 pigtail haress which i found out the colors are White with Blue Trace - Ground Orange with Black Trace- Signal Black with White Trace - 12v Power which tells me that is a series 2 rb25 pigtail afm sooo hrmm yeah my rb20 maf is using a rb25 series 2 pigtail so sonmething is wrong. so i'm guessing i wired something wrong.. Can you guys help me clear this up?
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