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Everything posted by Majanal

  1. Just checking up on the net for bushfire updates and found the following at http://www.bushfire.nsw.gov.au/media/Mores.asp?Id=395 "CHAPMAN’S (BOGGY SWAMP) – SINGLETON This fire has also taken significant runs today. It is now across the Putty Road near the Half Way house, into area burnt in November 2001. Crews are currently deployed protecting properties in the Weeney creek area. The western area of the fire will burn into an old fire of November 2001. Aerial resources have been deployed to assist in management of the fire." It doesn't say anything about the road being open or closed, but hopefully the fire will have burnt out or at least be controlled by Sunday. Come on you bushies, I have every confidence in your ability to control this fire! Fingers crossed.
  2. We need them to sponser SAU!!!
  3. Hey guys and gals, Very bad news... I was informed last night by a friend that lives at windsor that the putty rd is closed due to fires. NOT HAPPY JAN. Fortunately for us, Richmond windsor just happens to be the meeting place of 3 great roads. So I have devised an alternative cruise if the putty is still closed come sunday. Meet as planned at windsor macca's. Head up the Bells line of road to Lithgow. Across past lake lyle to Taranar pub for lunch. Head back down through oberon area to jenolan caves road and out to the GWH, Travel along this until we get to Katoomba and cruise along cliff drive. Back on the GWH and to the Grand view hotel for a refereshment and then off home... should see us arrive back at roughly the same time or perhaps a little earlier. Shit I hope that the putty is open though... heaps less traffic, lot nicer road. HEAPS easier to keep everyone from getting lost. Am working on some alternate maps as I type this. We will make a descision on Sunday morning. My mobile if anyone needs to contact me is 0414 940 938. Cheers, Dan.
  4. does anyone know if you get the car with the key? $140 is damn cheep even for an r32!
  5. I'll place two grand on fatz NOT having the fastest AVERAGE time around a track (he couldn't resist!)... but I'll put all I own on him being the most spectacular!!!! I've know fatz for a bit... and not that he needs defending... but I know that he is a man that likes a car that has a set of gonads to match his own... ie, and those that have followed him around the creek will know, he is ABSOLUTLY crazy and expects his car to match. Who here can honestly say that they have destroyed a set of new tyres in ONLY ONE day? Shit my beer just ran out... who was it that owned that GTR with vbslab plates??? NEED YOUR HELP!
  6. flash lights and arm out window waving frantically. 50% of people wave back.
  7. Hey Guys, Who owns this GREAT example of a GTR? Plates GOZ-007. I saw it in Blaxland today.
  8. You guys are idiots!!!! But thats why I love ya's!!! Of course all are welcome, but perhaps I think that this time we might make it that all newbies must sit in with an experenced driver for the first session. This way they can learn some of the lines and hopefully increase their enjoyment for the rest of the day. What do you all think? I will ring Tracey now and see what sort of a deal motoconcepts can offer us if we bring 15ppl. Report back soon.
  9. Thats the spirit Silver!
  10. ok, So far we have: 1. Majanal (GTS) 2. mrthorpedo (GTS) 3 - 9. ManNgolf plus another 6 10. Prank 11 - 12. Zane + 1 13. Roy 14. Kel and Duncan 15. ?????? Maybe's: Merli Zane's magna mate. Oz (95%) Come on buddy! XrSiSt That is only one short... come on, who is gonna step up to the plate? Fatz you Poof, are you coming?
  11. Hey guys, I had an idea once upon a time to go for a drive along the putty rd and thought I wonder who else might be keen to do this?... look what happened! All are welcome, but please DO bring some sort of car... it is a long way to walk! The fuel stop on the putty is called the "Half Way House" it is about half way to singleton. The bloke that thought up that name must have had as many brain cells as fatz! I'll have some maps on Sunday... hopefully. Meeting time and place is Windsor Macca's at 9:30 for a 10 am SHARP departure. I have a mate that will probably come the whole way but will head back pretty much as soon as he arrives in Singleton and is planning to be at windsor by 3/4pm. As EDS33T said, fueling up is definatly needed. Prank knows of place on the way to windsor to fill up with optimax but really doesn't want to stop there if it can be helped... so if your meeting him then fill her up to the brim BEFORE you get to homebush. Anyone meet us at windsor PLEASE make sure that you fill up BEFORE you arrive at Macca's. Note: If your car only gets 150km per tank then BRING A JERRY CAN OR TWO, as it is potentially 500km's before we can get to some more optimax style fuel. (not sure if Singleton has high octane) Silver, Bring the sunroofed vehicle!... you gotta come. Even if the Power FC isn't tuned, it will still run, and this cruise is just that... A CRUISE. Save racing for eastern creek on the 19/12/02. URMINE, Bring the Jeep, Bonkers is going o bring the Rav 4... you MAY be able to keep up!
  12. OK guys, I spoke to Tracey Yesterday and she said that if we can get 15 ppl together than we can work out some sort of a discount. Last time I think we had it at $120 if we got 15 ppl. So far we have: 1. Majanal (GTS) 2. mrthorpedo (GTS) 3. red900ss (GTS) You better not ditch me again! 4 - 10. ManNgolf plus another 6 11. Merli (GTS) ? So come on, cos red and merli are only maybe's at this stage. this means that we need 6 more. Fatz, Bonkers, Oz, Silver, Prank, Jason GTR, Kabab and all the others that normally come along? Let get this happening. Red. the half day I have to work, but let me guess, you have it off right? Cheers, Dan.
  13. Hey Guys, Just wondering who is coming and how many mates will be along so I can ring the lunch destination and let them know of approximate numbers. So Far I have Definates: Majanal (GTS) Majanal's friend (MX6) Majanal's friend (1600 with SR20) Majanal's friend (Ford Courseair) Majanal's Friend (VS SS Comodore) Majanal's Friend (VX S Comodore) Silver-Arrows(GTR) Slivers Mate (Red 200SX) EDS33T (GTS) GTR-80Y (GTS) Prank (Slow Ass 180sx) brendanf (GTS Virgin Cruise!) ndr (GTS) PeakRPM (GTS) Xrsist (GTS) Bonkers (GTS) Probably in sis's Civic Carlo (GTS) Fatz (GTR) Duncan & Kel (GTS) ndr (GTS) MRK25T (GTS) ONARUN (Cityrail Train) Someone shold tellyou that the train sux! R33Deviat (Lancer GSR) Total: 23 Cars (43 people) Maybe's: Majanal's friend in majanal's old Mini! skylark (GTS) If girlfriend is delivered in time! If you name isn't on the list then post up that your coming, if it is and shouldn't be then alos post that. Prank, any idea how many of your mates will be along? Silver you too. We will cruise :burnout: from windsor macca's at 10am and head up to the halfway house on the putty road (approx 1.5 hours or so into the journey) where we will have a stop of about 15 mins from when the last car parks to have a toilet/fuel/drink stop (note, this stationis a shell but doesn't have optimax). After that we will head to singleton for lunch, we will spend about 1.5 - 2 hours in singleton (there are alot of people to cook there food and eat it). On the trip back it will pretty much be a straight through run down the putty rd with the next meeting place being this thread to post up pics etc. There is a nice pub in Windsor if anyone would like to stop there for a quick referesment before continuing home. With all these cars it should be a great day. I'm really looking forward to it. Prank, thanks for organising those northen beach's people. Cheers, Dan.
  14. Bad luck dude, You NEED to get a PFC ASAP man... but if not just bring the celica! Cause you NEED even MORE to come up the putty rd. Cheers, Dan.
  15. Should be fine if you still want me to get you there. But let me know at least a month before so that I can book the arvo off work. (To clean car and of course myself!) Any way, I'll see all of you hopefully on the putty road cruise. Cheers.
  16. Ed, Got your mail... will try to call tomorrow. Fatz, do you think of nothing but grog? Rest of crew... I'm having trouble with the girlfriends scanner so the gregory's reference is map 86, O/16. Macca's is on the corner of I think it is graves av and windsor road. Right next to winford motors. I'll confirm that tomorrow when I go to work. I hate it that I have to come home every day via springwood road. Cheers all, Dan.
  17. Xeaon, Pic's sent. Where is the formal? What time do you need to be there? What time do you need to be picked up? Will you date be at your place or at hers? Eric, It is easy to organise the meeting place for a cruise... See answer to question 1 above... then if we have to pick them up and take them to an after party, we just simply go for a fang for 3 to 4 hours and return to pick them up... drop them off again and then go to somebodies place and get smashed!!!! You still coming up the putty? Cheers, Dan.
  18. Yeah mate, Slab = Case. If you have any othe mates and want to make a convoy of it then I can ask dad if he'll come along with his sky, you never know, he just might. Cheers, Dan.
  19. How bout you buy me a slab of beer (Just paying a mate back a debt) and I'll pick you and date up, drop you off etc. What's your email and I'll send you picks of my R33 GTS-t. Duncan, Fatz can drive in straight lines... he is going in a straight line... just his line is going sideways!!!!:lol: :lol: :shake:
  20. They are a dark grey colour. I'll take a photo on Wednesday and post it up.
  21. Yeah, very interested, please send a pick, and does it include piping? [email protected] Cheers.
  22. I'm actually selling for a mate, He said a ball park figure would be $200. but he also said he really is just guessing.
  23. Well this time in two weeks it'll all be over. All the fun will be finished. But haven't I go alot of planning to do before then. Prank what time do you want to meet people at 6c to be at windsor maccas by 9:30am for a 10 am departure. I have organised a map which will show the location of windsor maccas and will post it either later tonight or tomorrow so that people can find their way. Lunch will be at the Imperial hotel and apparently there is plenty of parking there so we should be fine. I guess we just have to hope that singleton hasn't been too affected by the fire. By the way... I hope that everyone is safe from fires that are about at the moment. I'll be aming to be at windsor maccas by 9:15am and am looking forward to seeing a big turnout. Ed, You still keen to do Bells on the way there? The misus is really keen to do bells as well. Can you give me a call so we can make plans as I lost your number when my phone went over board. Talk to you all soon, Dan.
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