Was totally buggered after the day...
I would like to thank everyone that turned up... so many commented on the total lack of dickhead factor, which is a huge acolade (sp?) for all 90+ entrants and all the specatators. There was also heaps of great comments and ideas for next year to make things run a little differently.
Also, if and of the Judges are reading through this, a HUGE thankyou must go to them... 90+ cars to be judged is a massive effort, and they stayed enthusiastic about it for the entire time... amazing!
For all those that worked tirelessly behind the sceens, Thanks you so very much, without these people these type of events just don't happen.
The sponsors and trade stalls, Thank you! I hope that you will in the comming weeks see the rewards! And I hope that you will be along again next year.
What a totally amazing day, I think one of the only downer was the wet grass from the rain last week, and I must say thank you to all people that turned up and didn't complain about putting there freshly polished cars on the grass.