A far better idea in my opinion would be to subsidise their attendance to WSID and Track days. Let them "take it off the street" or even force them to go to the track if the apply to by a performance vehicle at least once, if not every 3 months. (Wish I was forced to go to a race track every 3 months )
Will have for you on the 27th my man... in fact will have in about 30secs when the photo copier finishes with them... but you can get them on the 27th!
OK... I'll assess the tyre situation, I have 8 stock 33 skyzer rims and can get tyres fitted to them. I'm happy to look at a hire cost of say $10 for the rim and tyre but need to make sure that I'm not going to be left short. Will have a maximum of 2 sets of rears available to first to pm me. Note. tyres are only old shitters and not fresh ones... obviously.
I'll call you soon MR Fat one... or call me, you have the number.
R32_GST4 - Join the club mate and you'll get one with your membership! (You also get a discount of Fatz days!)
Yeah, see about getting a cruise going past the door, plan to arrive just before the last car, make sure every knows that your planning something big and I'm sure that we could russell up a dozen skyzers.
I will be soon... just wanting to get a little more house stuff sorted and then follow it up... that way my licence lasts longer... hopefully Duncan will have a working car by then two