By high speed cruise you mean one on a twisty road that has High Speed limits I assume?
Guys, I think that the issue with the s14 has been pretty much done to death. The driver is sorry and the mystery R33 driver seems to be over it or he would have posted I would assume.
I will in future make sure that I point out that this is a Cruise where the speed limit is quite high even when there are suggested speed corners of as low as 30kms/h, and to take your time, we will wait for you at the next stop which is not more than 90 odd kms along the same road!
It will also be noted that if another car is overtaking that could those happy to cruise along just make a space, as mona did, and let them back in easily, this way there should be no problems with getting back into the line when the driver chooses to.
To all those that have offered thanks, thanks... was heaps of fun and I look forward to doing it all again with you next year.
Putty rd Cruise Co-ordinator.