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Everything posted by Majanal

  1. he must be a bit slow...
  2. exec commity unchanged. two new positions added: 1. membership recuitment officer - Carlo 2. Marketing officer - ndr (Niel)
  3. Gotta get car fixed and I'll be there. If car not fixed might try to grab a lift and take some happy snaps
  4. It means that if I get pulled over and blow over the limit again then I get my arse kicked. Speeding and other driving offences do not effect the bond. Duncan, I got the urge to get totally smashed the other night and drive to melbourne... fortunatly my fuel tank was empty so I couldn't even go up the street to buy the grog!!!LOL
  5. Hey Guys, I think that this would be a good opportunity to; A) Help some Kids for a good cause B) Spread the word about the club and C) Show the Cops that Skylines are WELL BEHAVED when on the road. I'll look into it or help bigvis look into it. Keep posting if your coming.
  6. OK... I know what you mean... mine sounded very beast like after the last track day... tis getting better... but still got a bit to go.
  7. Majanal

    Golf Day

    I'll play you for the last spot on the leader board carlo!!! Ok, I'll start dreaming up some prizes for various results!!! /me goes to sleep
  8. I was under the belief that you could just pay???
  9. I think at the next Members meeting on the 1st of June we should set a date for the next AGM. That will give us plenty of time to look into where and at what time we should hold the meeting. Granted that it was late notice this time... but no one seemed to be organising anything so Dino (who lives on the north side of town) organised a venue. I also think that it is a good Idea that an Email be sent out to remind all those Financial Members of events as important as this. Tis not a dificult task to send a group email. We must remember that there are now a diverse range of members and as was brought up at the meeting we are heading towards having members that are not just Skyline owners... but Skyline enthusiast's and you don't need to be an owner of any sort of vehical to be a Skyline enthusiast. This is just some thoughts I have had just now (very unusual as most of you know), I am not having a stab/poke/dig or any sort to a go at anyone... I just think that these things need to be looked at for future. Lets look at this one as a test lap... and do it better next lap!
  10. Having car trouble at the moment... so till I get that sorted won't be attending any of the wakefield days. I'll be organising a group to go to EC on the 9/6/03. I'll try to ring Moto tomorrow and organise some tempory spots... but if you want a confirmed spot then you will have to pay a deposit as per usual.
  11. HEAPS better time... Last time I was starving all the way through the meeting... and got home late!
  12. LOL... That just sounds so stupid!!! I'd like to here that puppy Growl!!! shit that sounds stupid too! puppy... growl!!! ROFL@self
  13. If I didn't know better I would think that you guys were trying to hijack my thread.... /me opens garage door OUT! B-Man, Only if I get to drive... and you supply the grog!
  14. Yeah I was a bit dissapointed that I had travelled so far for such a small turnout (Was good to catch up with those that did attend)... but at least there was just enough to hold the meeting... would have been super pissed then! Hopefully we can get a few more at the next normal meeting on the 1st of June 2003 at approximatly 1pm at the same venue!
  15. If that is it we could all meet at the cricketers arms at 0700 for breakfast... then cruise to EC and park together and have atop day. I'll have to check if CA does breakfast.
  16. LOL Ok I'll start looking into a inaugural Golf day. Should be fun... now would you prefer to have it at a full course or at the Par 3?
  17. Well I get anywhere between 525 and 575 depending on the number of Comondoors that I have to put in their places!!! That is an average of 10L/100kms Best 8.6L/100kms (Recent trip to Batemans Bay) Worst 26L/100kms - Team Track Day! I use Optimax. Hope this helps.
  18. ok so we need to know what time this event starts then so we can get meeting places and times... who knoes these details? 31gun???
  19. yeah 6c will be full no doubt... but we met there once before when there was a cricket game on and went for a cruise to bobbin head I believe! We shall park in the isles as we did before... 4pm see you there. Dan. 0414 940 938
  20. Golf and Wine... if only all of us had your budgets!!!! I shall add them to the list... I had actually thought of golf days but thought nah, nobody would be interested... silly me!
  21. I read a thread linked in this forum where they get an accord or somfing to run 14's... had to totally strip the bastard... but NO NEW PARTS WERE ADDED. I think we can do this to project Fast Fatz Corrie Racing. just take 4 to 80 blokes and the correct amount of cans (one slab per driver... spectators more) and the best part is we could make a zorst that would be really quite at EC drags.... unless you were in Melb! (were the zorst finished) then might be a bit noisy!!! I need another beer... any one got a spare?
  22. LOL good point carlo... Does anyone know where we get the tickets from?
  23. Silver... I have a route planned... but I'll be leaving from homebush as I'll be there for some garden show I believe that Jody has insisted on. If you want to meet (and anyone else) me at Hombush at say 4pm we can cruise over together. Give me a call on 0414 940 938 if your interested.
  24. Wow... some really good ideas... I can see alot of positive things coming to the fore tomorrow... will be a BIG step forward for the club.
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