Hello All,
Well by now a lot of you know that I have been selected to be the SAU Official events coordinator. I had hoped to have had some "Official" events announced and running by now but untill we get Cams affiliation it is just not worth the risk.
The reason the club needs Cams affiliation is simple really, they cover events held by SAU for Public liability insurance. This is required for any event that we hold as a "Club", Track Days, Skid Pan days, Cruises, and even BBQ's etc.
Some more major events that are already on their way are a Show and Shine day being planned for the long weekend in October and planning for that is well under way.
A Car Rally was being planned for the end of May but is now going to be at another date as Cams won't be meeting untill the end of may and will hopefully give us our affiliation then.
Other events that have been suggested:
Hill Climbs
Track Days
Skid Pans
Information events
Driver Training
Group days at racing events
Some of these events as mentioned before are already being planned. Some are still being looked into. If people know of events that they have done and would like to do as a club then please put the ideas in this thread... If you want to help out organising an "Official" SAU Event than please put your hand up. Or if you want to be on a list of those that are available to volunteer their time to cooking a BBQ, or giving out club info at a stall set up at another event than again please post up you interest here... everybodies help is greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions please feel free to PM me and I'll answer them to the best of my knowledge or endevour to find out what you are after.
Cheers all and thank you all for being so patient,