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Everything posted by Majanal

  1. I read this post and thought that I should start giving out some info before the B-Man comes out to my place to "Keep this Bastard Honest"! So I have created this thread to fill in some of the blanks that Brendan was missing (sorry mate... couldn't fill in the cavity between your ears... but I'll keep trying, I know I'm like minded so I will come up with a solution one say!!!). I hope that this helps people see a bit into the "behind the sceens" things that are going on, and gives you a bit more info (even though it has taken some time) on what the club is doing and where it is going. Dan.
  2. Hello All, Well by now a lot of you know that I have been selected to be the SAU Official events coordinator. I had hoped to have had some "Official" events announced and running by now but untill we get Cams affiliation it is just not worth the risk. The reason the club needs Cams affiliation is simple really, they cover events held by SAU for Public liability insurance. This is required for any event that we hold as a "Club", Track Days, Skid Pan days, Cruises, and even BBQ's etc. Some more major events that are already on their way are a Show and Shine day being planned for the long weekend in October and planning for that is well under way. A Car Rally was being planned for the end of May but is now going to be at another date as Cams won't be meeting untill the end of may and will hopefully give us our affiliation then. Other events that have been suggested: Hill Climbs BBQ's Track Days Skid Pans Cruises Information events Driver Training Group days at racing events etc Some of these events as mentioned before are already being planned. Some are still being looked into. If people know of events that they have done and would like to do as a club then please put the ideas in this thread... If you want to help out organising an "Official" SAU Event than please put your hand up. Or if you want to be on a list of those that are available to volunteer their time to cooking a BBQ, or giving out club info at a stall set up at another event than again please post up you interest here... everybodies help is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions please feel free to PM me and I'll answer them to the best of my knowledge or endevour to find out what you are after. Cheers all and thank you all for being so patient, Dan.
  3. I'll second Carlo if that has not already been done and I will second Dino, Again not as I don't think that Christian hasn't done a great job... the first year is always the hardest... but a bit of healthy competition never hurt anybody, right? /me runs and hides from Prank behind B-Man (his is bigger than I!)
  4. I'll have a ticket if we can get hold of them... anyone know where we might be able to book them... I might try to get a group SAU thing going.
  5. On a serious note I would like to nominate Brendan (B-Man) for Vice Pres. Espically seeing as our current VP's arn't sure if they will stand again.
  6. I'll be coming from the mountain silver... would be happy to get lost with you! where shal we meet? Call me 0414 940 938 And I'm 90% on dinner/bite to eat... just gotta check with the other (better) half.
  7. I would like to nominate B-man for "Resident Arse Kicker/Explosives Expert!" (explosives expert ie. put a bomb under executive to get them moving!)
  8. sold. Ring me 0414 940 938 to discuss price. Can have money to you buy tomorrow (Saturday). Dan.
  9. I'll be standing if there isn't enough chairs to sit on.
  10. so does that mean that kel and I don't need to put up our hands again?
  11. Wow I think that people might have nose out of joint. A silly thing caused a tragedy and insurance premiums to go up. My feelings go to his family and friends and I also hope that people take racing to a track... like Duncan said... $200 is a small price to pay in comparison to death.
  12. Majanal


    this is starting to sound like coming to america.
  13. oh bugger... sombody knows all my tricks!
  14. Next Track day is Monday 9th June... tis a public holiday so all should be able to attend. Full day. $190 approx cost at Eastern Creek. Other wise it is as discussed the HCC trackday.
  15. Dino, I was thinking that a turbo that is under 1500kgs might just be a bit small... maybe someone on the forums works for an avaition company and can pick us up an engine off a jet cheap... and 20,000L of avgas... if the engine is too much trouble then the avgas will do!!! Imagine a jet engine sitting in the boot of THE corrie!
  16. And if you ask nicely the locals might even take you for a fang along some of there little know cliff on one side wall on the other side tight hairpin roads to break up the GWH... but only if your real nice!
  17. Sunday hey... well in that case all I have to do is get over my hangover... should be easy by 3pm!
  18. Oh well, look at it on the bright side... (please insert bright side here) Dan.
  19. LOL Mate, well picked car... already has a full sic paint job and the best mod of all is the bonnet vents!!! Can I ask what the bucket does???
  20. /me blocks off Saturday arvo evening. Note: must be begining intoxication by no later than 9pm. is there any idea on how long this meeting might take? Dino, Can you give me a call when you free please mate. Cheers.
  21. Majanal


    Shit mate... how much do almost stolen GTRs go for these days? I'll give a straight swap for a less of a hassle GTS if you want! LOL
  22. Majanal


    That is shit mate... why can't people just leave others belongings alone. I guess the cops "look" turned up nothing?
  23. gee this brings back memories... /end gay music and gazing into the distance!
  24. ROFL Kinks... lucky she doesn't know how to use a puter then hey!
  25. I felt that way just after the verdict. It was the best state of euphoria I have had in a while!
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