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Everything posted by Majanal

  1. Cheers mates, Car was done... picked up yesterday... drop back in tomorrow (still leaking a little). As for High mount turbo... might have some money for that now!
  2. OK Guys, I haven't forgotten about this. I will call ric tomorrow and work out some more final details. Be back soon.
  3. Well Guys I made my first court appearence today and was lucky enough to get of with a 12 month good behaviour bond. Still got licence and didn't get any fines. I feel like the luckiest person in the world... especially seeing as the girl before me got 6 months and $550 fine... talk about shitting ones pants!!!
  4. LOL My Girlfriend works in one such complex... when I go to pick her up in the arvo I reverse into my spot an sit and laugh (and occaisonally beep before they reverse into my car) at all the iddiots trying to have accidents in this shopping complex!!
  5. I've been saying that education is the key since I have had my licence. But a bit of courtesy would go a long way also to reducing speeding, crazy manoeuvres, and essentially accidents. A basic race driving course would also help, but it would need to be accompanied by the part that says this is the best way to drive... but push the limit and your gonna stuff up... even Michael Schumacher can stuff up on a road because of unpredictability.
  6. They are awesome pics Silvo... and some from different corners than turns 2 and 9 and the main straight... top job!
  7. Nice Vids Kinks... you can really hear my warped manifold well in that shot of me leaving the pits! But top stuff... will have to get you out to turn two next time and also some in car shots. Great Job.
  8. I'm out too... sorry... had a BIG:cheers:... no HUGE weekend and am paying for it with a Very Bad hangover... as soon as I get off work I'm going to sleep.:coffee:
  9. Springwood/hawksbery road... is mad 3kms of hill climb. Mixture of 2nd and 3rd gear corners and hair pins... tight and twisty... top bit of road... and just happens to be on my way home!
  10. twas a highly modded "t"!!! Very nice car actually!!!
  11. I might be bringing some reinforcements (2 people)... is this ok dino? do I need to let you know if they are or arn't coming?
  12. Monday sounds like a winner dino. Fat pizza also sounds good... was it as good as the ads made it sound?
  13. No no... this is fun... can't wait till he starts modding the bbq in the boot to have a 3 inch side venting zorst!
  14. Well I'm gonna have to pull the pin also. Work are having some major problems and I'll be there it seems untill approx 9:30-10pm, with a 5am start I think I'll be straight to bed after... sorry duncan.
  15. DO you think it will be able to be mounted for things like track days etc? Would those speeds risk the camera falling off the outside of the car? This sounds like we are in for some awesome footage on upcoming events!
  16. I'll be along (court case pending). Maybe the missus will have to drive... hey that is a great Idea... then I can get drunk and be the pissed idiot at the party!!!!
  17. ROFL!
  18. Right... "I'm going to dinner with the skyline guys and gals on tuesday, Conditions apply... you comming or not? Conditions. All handbag chit chat must be restristed to corner of room."
  19. Right... "I'm going to dinner with the skyline guys and gals on tuesday, Conditions apply... you comming or not? Conditions. All handbag chit chat must be restristed to corner of room."
  20. I can make that... gotta run it past the missus first though... "I'm going to dinner with the skyline guys and gals on tuesday... you comming or not?" should do it!
  21. Yeah I was one of them skylines driving down the roads... stupid!! LOL!!!
  22. Tis ok... I worked it out!!! but I gotta say I HATE dial up!
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