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Everything posted by Majanal

  1. I had assumed that we would be having debrief at the arms on the 6th... I was talking about this Saturday (22/3/03) Let me know.
  2. how did you mount it to the bonnet?
  3. Just to remind everybody, Date: Thursday 3rd of April 2003 Time: 1 - 5pm (need to be at the track no later than 12:15pm to sign up) Venue: Eastern Creek Raceway Event: Track day organised through MOTO CONCEPTS Cost: If we have more than 15 = $130 per car. If we have less than 15 = $140 per car. Deposits need to be payed before Sunday 23rd March 2003 Passnegers: $20 for unlimited rides (need to bring long gear and helmut) Event "Debriefing": To be conducted at the Cricketers Arms at the conclusion of the days track activity. Intrested people (deposits indicated in brackets): Majanal Roy ($50 24/2/03) Silver-Arrowz (scratching) Merli ($50 dep 17/3/03) Duncan ($50 dep 18/3/03) Kel ($50 dep 18/3/03) Dazsta Carlo ($50 dep 19/3/03) Tex fatz scott d ($50 dep 18/3/03) drifto ($50 dep with dino)
  4. Kinks (and others), I have been to many track days now... as have all the team trackday people, some of us just learn about our cars, some of go all out to try to beat our lap times, and some of us try to drift each and every corner. Our cars are not insured while we are on track as I'm sure not many cars are. I know that these days organised by moto concepts have only had 6 or 7 accidents in there 4 years of operation, that is a lot better odds than driving on the road in my mind. Provided you drive WITHIN your means then everything should be fine. As I have said there are plenty of experienced trackies coming on the day that are always more than happy to take you out for a few laps and show you some lines etc. And I believe Bonkers is not driving due to the building of his new house, he might still come out to the track (can you confirm bonkers?) and he I'm sure will be more than happy to get out there in your passenger seat and show you where to go. Even if you just come along for a watch this time to see what it is all about. I will be happy to take you out and show you what it is all about. Dan.
  5. Pete, we goin for beers after??
  6. LOL... now we get to see dildo covered in diesel!!! that sounds REALLY interesting! So are the details for giving deposits: Homebush 6c @ 11am-12midday on Saturday 22nd March???
  7. Ok Kinks... I've added your name to the list. Don't forget that to guarantee a spot you need to get a deposit to me by this Sunday. I'll be booking spots on Monday morning.
  8. Yeah I knew what one was Dino ... I just wasn't sure if you needed a CAMS approved one or not. Thanks for the info... will go get peice of rope and attach to fan as suggested!!:bahaha:
  9. yeah... but I didn't believe you! Guess you were tell the truth.
  10. What is cost? Been to a few of these days... haven't driven at one yet though as usually around the $200 mark.
  11. Intrested people (deposits indicated in brackets): Majanal Roy ($50 24/2/03) Silver-Arrowz (scratching) Merli ($50 dep 17/3/03) Duncan ($50 dep 18/3/03) Kel ($50 dep 18/3/03) Dazsta Carlo Tex fatz scott d ($50 dep 18/3/03) drifto ($50 dep with dino) Kinks Bonkers, Are you going to come along to this one mate?
  12. I love days like that... sounds like a really good day. Zane, I know what you mean about rubber... makes a huge difference. I'm looking forward to the 3/4 at EC. are you coming? Dan.
  13. Sounds like a goer... Does anyone know where to get secondary bonnet ties?
  14. ok guys, If you would rather deposit into an account the please pm me. Merli, scott d, you have pm drifto, you have been added.
  15. Has anyone had to change their front parker light globes? I am having trouble working out how to get into them. Any suggestions? help would be appreaciated. Dan.
  16. Has your clutch been replaced recently? If it has then quite often the starer motor through out gets clogged with crap and needs cleaning. this happened to my car when I had to replace a clutch. I just got the whole thing recoed and it cost me about $300 from memory for removal, reco and reinstall. Have had no problems since then.
  17. you could also try running 100w Halogen bulbs in your hi beam. this is what I do and I can see about 3kms up the road! and close if I need to but I usually try to look as far ahead as I can.
  18. again... yes Can a mod/tosh please put the date in the thread subject line?
  19. good call benm I have to agree.
  20. Paul your a bastard... you know how much we all wanted to get out there with you... I can't believe that you are so rude!!! LOL I and I'm sure others are gonna rub it in next time we get out on the track and your not there!!!
  21. yeah your right tosh...I haven't done the old pac for a while anyway!
  22. c tosh... should have gone the putty... all the above maybe's would be "I'll definatly go on this one" 's!!!. Just jokes mate:-]
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