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Everything posted by SmashBoxx

  1. haha yea but i got a few grand saved for this and that and emergencies but i'm getting bored...
  2. yea it's good pay but it's more to just holding a sign and there's a lot of rules and stuff... and it's only ever casual... so i don't want to buy a new turbo and stuff and then have nothing and no work for a month. but well i guess ill do it for a lil might start 2moz
  3. nah as 1st post says this bloke only wants the front to appear series 2... probly likes the grill
  4. does anyone know the rough price for hi flowing?? i ehard somewhere around $1500?
  5. cheerz... nah there's a couple really cheap sets on ebay the guy has a lot of good feedback... $800 for high mount + turbo... bit sus on that.. and $500 for a front facing intake manifold so i want to get them both and then get an exhaust or fabricating shop to make up some piping. thanks mate
  6. SmashBoxx


    does anyone know any places that do polishing/chroming of engine parts... i want a new intake manifold and rocker cover n stuff done... cheerz
  7. nah i waws going to do carpentry but found it wasn't really for me and i was with MU but well they didn't really do much..
  8. i want number 7 but where can you get a kit for that and how much are the intake manifolds??? does anyone know prices or is it possible to get an IC and change the intake piping later????
  9. I'm new to the rb's and i have a stock rb25 and want to high mount so once i have the manifold what else do i need? im assuming dump pipe and new front pipe??? also does the stock turbo have the t3 flange??? all help appreciated thanks
  10. i saw a unicorn while the power was off...
  11. looking for a place preferably east that does good quality hi-flows and a rough price.. any help appreciated. cheerz Ryan
  12. you are also fancy!
  13. that's a bit fancy hahaha fancy = funny word can't find my keys
  14. hmmm i guess you guys didn't turn off ya comps either
  15. whose hand is that?
  16. well i aint missin top gear
  17. top of mt dandenong it's a lookout to see all over the east.. few different spots... restaurant part with maze and stuff and if you go past that there a trail near communication towers which i prefer coz it has a better view.
  18. lol omg save her!!! she will get poisoined by her deceased fatherz business associates!!! it's like a james bond movie or something
  19. yea i was thinking if someone legitimately knows of a job i could forward my resume in an email... but yea just a lot of factory work and mechanical, red card, scaffolding ticket, traffic control ticket, general construction cert 2, carpentry pre-app, retail cert 2, fork lift and soon to get crane operators license... maybe.
  20. that would be lovely thanks with that i can buy an r35 gtr! cheerz haha
  21. SmashBoxx

    Need Work!

    looking for a job atm.. if anyone knows of any jobs going atm in the east that are decent to well paid please let me know.. preferably car related but don't really mind thanks in advance.. Ryan
  22. on the 29th march at 8pm everyone must set up their tesla coils and fire at corey delaney's house!
  23. it's my understanding that we are not in fact running out of petrol it's just supply vs. demand... we are after so much oil now days and the supply has dropped and that's why the price is jacked but we are not running out...
  24. lol i like it the mrs thinks it wierd i'm laughing about a tesla coil... ahhh red alert!
  25. tempting!! do you know how much post to melbroune? about $40 or so yea? are there any downfalls to a highmount?? i heard you can get power loss?
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