Hi all i enjoyed the day also but must say the gtrs were a little disappointing t51r i sore run a low 11 but only after he sat at the light quiet a while i supose trying to get the boost up cos when he tried to go heads up it just did happen for him it ran a 12.12 i think shit my lighty tuned gtr ran faster than on it first ever ,tell me if im wrong but i believe lot of these dyno big hp car just dont have the bottom end and quick responce to do good repeatable time on the 1/4 . My hats off to the little 1200 datsun ute and got boost very impressive guys .
ps i would have run my gtr if i could have but was unable to get it dynoed in time with new pfc as the 12.0 i ran back awhile i hit speed limiter with 50,60m to go and felt no point running it till the pfc was in and tuned .i will run next as it looks like alot of fun