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skyl1ne r33

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Everything posted by skyl1ne r33

  1. sam lets go with hexham maccas, now lets set a time and a date. befor people lose intrest.
  2. yer policy is write. ive made a clame and got repaired straight away.
  3. try e-car im with them had a lil crash wile back got sorted in about a week but think the messed up with me price as its only $550 fully comp. $450 xces.worth haven a look i got r33 gtst 96. and only 20.
  4. energy australia is a good place but close to warath were hiway patrol station is. could be a place were we would draw un wanted attention.
  5. spotted Guilt-Toy in town tonit lapin 4shore few more 33s and 32s in aswell
  6. wat about some were like maitland not sure were bouts. or even green hills but there speed humps there very rarly see cops up there witch is a possitave thing and theres under cover car park if its wet, and no one lives 2 close 2 car park so shouldntt get any complants. just a few ideas should also do it on a thursday nite maybe cops are all busy in newi
  7. ok great thanks for that i was lookin mainley at hs anyway so i think i will order them monday thanks for ur input
  8. ausum i just wana have em for maybe getin out on track for a day and mainley coz my stock rear shocks keep blowing and it handels shit. wat prices do u sell them for??
  9. hi people can any one give me a opinion or some feed back on hsd coilovers i thinking about the hr or the hs series. or any outher coil overs that would fit a r33 96 coupe here is a link to the ones i have found http://www.otomoto.com.au/HDSystems/ thanks martin
  10. i went for a im240 not coz i got defected just 2 get eng cert and faild. the rta guy said i need 2 put a new cat in it as high flow one is 1.old and worn out or 2. not holding gasses long inuf. also maybe a tune up as a few people have said to me but havnt got ecu as yet. so my advice would be put new cat in be for u go,and hope for the best or pm guiltoy he seems to always have a input he may even be able to tune your car if u have a after market ecu. he also had im240 done couple months back and passed.
  11. yer its def 14.8 and about 16.0 when running.
  12. hi all my power cap stays on for some reason any ideas????? i put a new hevy duty bat in thiss arvo and went back a few hours later to get some thing out boot and noticed that the voltage 14.80 is still bein displayed. it dosnt do it with my stock bat. so as i dont no why its doin it have stock bat back on for now as not sure wat it could damage. eg the cap or bat. thanks i posted this twice as i think i get beter responce here, than car audio form
  13. hi all my power cap stays on for some reason any ideas????? i put a new hevy duty bat in thiss arvo and went back a few hours later to get some thing out boot and noticed that the voltage 14.80 is still bein displayed. it dosnt do it with my stock bat. so as i dont no why its doin it have stock bat back on for now as not sure wat it could damage. eg the cap or bat. thanks
  14. not same stuff all new this is why i dont under stand it. i running 1 mono block 1000watt kenwood amp,, 1 12inch dule voice sub, 1 500 wat 4 channel amp with 7x10s and 6inc and a earthqueak power cap. its wired up good. dnt like doin shit jobs on my car.
  15. i just got the stock bat atm go a dry sell comein on wed the ones used in cop cars also allready have a power cap 2.5 farad runing 8mm cable i got from work i have earthed the amps in to places . and still dose it. one earth is were the bat is earthed also earthed it 2 spare wheel bolt. my volt meeter drops to about 9 wen hit hevey bass and sits on 13 usualy i checked allternator it is chargeing fine. iv never had this sort of problem,i was running heaps more stuff in my old car and no problem.
  16. hey depends on were ur from i no some gyes that can help you. The Toy Shop in beresfield near newcastle. there web site is www.japimports.com.au . if they ant got it there tell you were to go. hope this helps
  17. G i got a rattel squike on clutch. and stops wen u put clutch in i went 2 toy shop. and they said something but cant rember but if it get worse sort it coz it apparently will do cincromesh in gear box
  18. because the sub keeps draining all the power and i getin rather annoyed at night wen i pumping tunes and head lights flash from the power drain and can sit in town and not worry about main bat going flat. also goin 2 be putin screens and ps3 in soon.
  19. hey all got a second battry need a split charger any one no were i can get one? also has any one running 2 bat if so were u mount 2nd one i got a r33 gtst sires 2
  20. fatazz nt a bad idea i was thinkin rear quater cards but nt sure if thers any room. darrenr33gtst and chris thanks for your help dnt wana cut shelf and dnt wana get 6inc coz 7x10 are clear as. there in th car just like a inch gap were there just sat were stock 1s were.
  21. hey i got a timer in mine withe the harnis i can take a pic 4 ya it may give u a idea pm me ur e mail add.
  22. hi i recently got some 7x10 from my parents, and cant get them to fit on the shelf in a r33. has any one fitted any befor as i dont wana cut the shelf as the hicas control modgle is in the way. thanks. sorry for poor spelling.
  23. i got same bov still got stock on on but disconected the hoes that runs 2 throtle body. so it looks stock 2 cops.
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