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Everything posted by jangles

  1. PPP tapers down to mainly singles about 8 weeks in. I really enjoyed it, having to do set weights really makes you focus.The down side was, for me personally, if i worked shift work/sleep/social activities and wasn't 90-100% towards the 1rm's it was very hard and not forgiving, which isn't a bad thing, I just found I wasn't up the task. Progress was very successful, just the same. From a torn hamstring and not walking properly for 3-4months, to an increase of 40/25/35kg in 2-3 cycles of it, just one deadlift cycle as I did a lot of SLDL to get some hamstring strength again. 5/3/1 on the other hand progresses based on personal performance and submaximal training. so your 1+ day, bam, 3reps and thats what you calculate your next months totals on. More forgiving I feel in that aspect. Having a rough week, as long as you still hit prescribed numbers as a minimum, you're still progressing. Only reason I changed from PPP is beacuse I wanted more volume in my main lifts. I was getting to a stage where I was grinding out some reps, which for me personally, isn't how I like to get PR's. If it's not explosive and on point, I don't count it. Edit: One thing I have noticed with programs is that they are a lot better written, imo, than they used to be, for the public. Including mobility work etc, and specific conditioning work. Brandon Lilly, CWS, Wendler all have it more in depth in the updated versions of their methods. They all focus on the same thing, becoming strong, all the time.
  2. No, but not because of it. Work commitments meant I had to cut back my training a lot, then that led into the end of 2012, festive season, footy pre season. Started on PPP in 2013 after injuring myself. Did 3 cycles. New program for 2014 and I'm using a more volume based program. I used Dave Tates periodisation for accessories. Still do.
  3. wrong thread.... haha http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/411489-500kw-club/page-10?hl=500kw#entry7106197
  4. used it for the first 7 months of my training to go to 140/120/175. i liked it.
  5. My mate has very large triceps/arms. lifetime of compensation.
  6. did your brother come out like superman? one arm forward and one back? my mate did, missing pec. Military is interesting to watch!!
  7. Sub maximal allows you to build muscle, less prone to injury and stress. Prevents 'over training' De-load allows the body and CNS to recover from the stress you've put it through building up to a lift, something like a 50% week, then essentially it is recovered and ready to go with the 1rm/PB work. something like that anyway. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTx5gklftpM
  8. Sub maximal training is nothing new. Quite a few people with records only train reps until the big day.De-loads are seen as beneficial, the CNS likes it.
  9. What do you class as an epic core work out?
  10. learn the front squat and maybe try some deficit Stiff Legged Dead Lifts, standing on a plate, as an accessory for deads.
  11. Every time after I get a massage, my chest is always flatter/smaller in appearance because muscles are released. Maybe you can ball/roll them out a bit to get desired result?
  12. more volume is going to encourage muscle growth, i.e. size.
  13. Yep. When done properly it uses more leg and less back.
  14. I think you have some time up your sleeve still. By the time you perfect it and then start repping 180, you'll have a new 1rm waiting for plates!
  15. 210kg, that's the end of this cycle.
  16. anyone have any stagea front suspension, doesnt matter if stock, just cheap as struts are getting re done.
  17. I'm keen to try one!
  18. here's hoping!
  19. you do know that Itis means inflammation and tendon means the tendon, so patella tendonitis would be inflammation of the patella tendon.Tendons attach the muscle to the bone.... Pain isn't always direct.
  20. Nice use of caps lock. But i doubt highly THE BONE is causing pain. Unless you've hit it and bruised it.tight quads MUSCLES AND LIGAMENTS pull on the patella BONE. Pretty much any ache or pain in the body will be from muscles, tendons and ligaments.
  21. here? edit: ignore, thats not the top. tight quads can cause what i think youre suggesting. got a foam roller with a pvc inner? get smashing.
  22. I'll be interested if it's in Feb.
  23. A fairly lazy 78/79kg, no beltBeen a long time coming, this is the first dead cycle I've done since injury.
  24. Cracked 200 last night
  25. closer to 140kg 1rm. http://www.strstd.com/ is a site i find really accurate for myself.
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