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Everything posted by jangles

  1. Exactly what Justin said.. It always costs more. And are the coil packs an issue? Otherwise save your money there. Thought of vinyl wrapping?
  2. We're not going there again surely,.. Not in the powerlifting thread.
  3. .
  4. Short short butt hurt from the truth.
  5. Get chalk and lift 200
  6. Google it. You'll get enough info. They have to train just as hard, if not harder. Otherwise they end up like the huge fat big guys that weigh 100-120 and bench 100 thinking they are massive and wear track pants to hide their pins.
  7. have achieved in what?
  8. I only used it for example of what I was saying. I know it's a compound not isolation.I can do them, tried last night for the first time. just not as proficient in them as close grip chins for example, as I don't do them regularly. none of the lifts I care about have stalled.
  9. What Rev said. Doing Bench will improve your Bench. Squats will improve squats, deads will improve deads, military for military. I can't do wide grip pull ups, because I don't do them. Should I? Maybe, who knows. All my main lifts still progress. Support movements are just that. Don't major in the minors.
  10. It appears you do not drive with your legs at all, is that the case?
  11. I was thinking the same thing.
  12. Yeah I believe it fits the rules. Still on phone ATM, I'll put it up in coming days. Looks like she has more left, she just stopped at 30. Rev will have done 40 by then. Haha
  13. Partner did 30 @50% bw today
  14. Seems pointless as many, many, many cars are tracked, dragged, street driven with internal pickups.
  15. By design yes. Many 1000hp gtrs have run JUN and nitto. Why are you Doing external pickup?
  16. Seedy or still drunk this MORNING? =P
  17. You want more response, keep vct... Option 2 is stupid. Option 3 isn't necessary anymore because Option 4 is available. NYTSKY has over 500kw with small upgraded cams
  18. Although that is crazy, it wouldnt be you Rev. I'm talking about people that either just don't know or just don't get it.
  19. Nope, wet sump can be done.Brad (RISKING) of pro fabrication does an external wet sump with reservoir that's well priced! It may look like a lot to start with, but by the time you add everything up with a normal pump setup it's not that much.. $1500 pump $1500 sump
  20. People who IMO just f**k around in general.
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