I've found the pipe that goes into the engine (plunum?), the other pipe goes to the fuel tank. The one thats drawing air, according to that diagram should be attached to the air intake somewhere (from what i can see). Only problem is, it doesn't
I'm assuming that, when the previous owner ripped out the airbox to put the pod in, the charcoal cannister was moved, and the line that attaches to the intake / recirculation valve, was just plumbed badly... which doesn't make any sense, why would someone do that?
Anyway, if i block that pipe off totally, the car won't start. If i leave it open, im getting unmeasured air into the system.
That's why i said bugger it, let somone who knows skylines have a look at it. I'm totally new to working on cars, and am keen to learn, but at the same time, i've had the car for 3 weeks, and haven't driven it for 2. I'm hanging to go for a drive so i want it fixed
Based on a recommendation from these forums, i'm taking it to maytech over at moorebank tomorrow, and hopefully all will be good.