I went 440cc GTR in the end, and wired in the resistor pack etc, I figured it would be plenty for my RB20
So far with the PFC closed loop function, fuel economy is around 10 litres per 100km, about a litre per 100 better than with the re-programmed ECU The PFC closed loop function is first class, providing it is setup right
In the injector correction section (cant remember exactly) there is a correction and lag setup, if you work out the percentage differance from stock and enter this value in - for me it was 58.5% and the injector lag time, in my case -.12ms, it runs better than ever before and delivers quite good economy
The injector lag/cc table for standard nissan stuff can be found here - http://www.ap-engineering.co.jp/el/inj_top.htm
Its being tuned shortly for more boost etc, but hopefully the economy will remain similar providing I dont use the loud pedal too often