That time of the year is almost here for me - insurance!!
I want to get a few opinions, as I am currently with Just Cars, and have been for almost 3 years. My current insurance runs out at the end of May, so I'm doing some shopping around now to save up
Currently payed a tad over $1600 last year, with Just Cars,which I thought was pretty reasonable
Problem being I have heard bad reports if you have to make a claim (MattR from memory got screwed around) and don't mind paying a bit more for peace of mind.
I got a qoute from another broker, who went through Famous Classic Car Insurance, which was slightly dearer and I would have to upgrade my security system to a three point immobilser (currently 2 point). They also allow mods, as long as they are told and they are legal (which could pose problems living in SA, nothing seems to be legal here)
If anyone has any good/bad things to say about either I'd like to hear them
Cheers, Chris