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    N15 Pulsar, r30
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  1. hahaha thats the best! good thread is good i work at knox i cant beleive i missed all the action, sorry to hear about your misfortune though niroj. will deffs stick around next time..
  2. this is the best thing ive ever seen
  3. full time arts student at swinburne, almost finished got work lined up for me at an airbrush studio when i finish, i cant wait! part time barrista at gloria jeans
  4. i thought it was just the compressor? damn that sucks sorry bez:( hey wat bout them neighbours that took photos of our cars when we came round? they wuda seen somethn for sure
  5. me in other words. haha i didnt mean yours brendan!
  6. your bitch can pay:P just means you need to bring her along
  7. im not gonna go anymore:( see you all next time i guess
  8. despite watching the odds of winning on the news the day before i stil bought a ticket, got four numbers too so covers the cost of the ticket i guess.. i realy wanted that new car
  9. excellent, i was hoping if i made a bad enough attempt at organising someone else would take over ill be there
  10. you airbrush too? good stuff im about to pull apart my r30, il be airbrushing most of it myself but if ive got left over bits il be sure to let you know!
  11. okay, i know this isnt photoshop type stuff, but this is the 'artsy-est' section i could find on sau. Im pulling apart my R30 *tear* and im gona paint, or airbrush it rather, for my end of year exhibition for my arts course. its gona be showing in a gallery in the city so its kinda a big deal. im stuck for ideas of what im gona airbrush on it. was wondering if any of you guys had any sugestions? Anything at all would be appreciated cheers kiandra
  12. i play wow every now and then, would like to play more but i need a new computer and i been playing FFX on and off pretty much since it came out. i love that game! i tried out dota for less that 5 mins, its shit, i dont get it and i dont want to get it, it makes me angry
  13. I had like 4 drum lessons and i sucked! I bought a peavey cherry red electric guitar and amp, only picked it up a couple of times due to the fact I had no time to play it so I sold it. it was so pretty though and I learnt piano for years when I was younger, stil kicking myself i gave that up, seeing as i now have a piano and the only thing I can play on it is the ice cream man song. .
  14. Ewww! + 1 for fire
  15. ill be going might even be reppin' the pulsar! we shall see. .
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