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Everything posted by rondofj

  1. So I was just watching this on youtube: Just wondering whose white R34GT-R is that featured in a few of the races, man its got good takeoff! Couldnt see if it ran 11s. I think the number plate is GTR34U or is that another GT-R.. Wonder what turbos and mods he is running and how many kilowatts.. Boy that black late model Ford Falcon (G6E??) was quick too man..wonder what mods hes running..
  2. what would the Mines R34 do on that circuit - any likely guesses? Watch that car on Youtube, man those REVS are INSTANT with a capital I.
  3. Lost my licence a week ago., 5 months, 3 weeks left without Skyline. Crying stage. Look at it everyday lol..
  4. TCS unit seized? Try disconnecting / connecting all leads leading to it, could be a bad earth, looks like its constantly 'on'. Check the TCS fuse in the underbonnet fusebox. My TCS dosent work btw..
  5. Remove the aac?
  6. Which valve, u mean the O 2 sensor?
  7. I know but the kudos sensor says for R32 and 33 only, hope the R34 uses the same threaded plug. Anyone tried this on their 34? Im gettin a JJR dump/front pipe for the R 34 but assume the 33 one is exactly the same item?
  8. For the majority of us Skyliners (un-built engines, mostly / completely street-use cars), I reckon the best turbo is the one Stao says he is working on, " 300rwkws with SS1's response" - the best of both worlds. 300rwks because that is supposedly when un-built RBs pop..or 280rwkws to satisfy some of you. But hey c'mon, unless ur tracking it or driving like an idiot on the street, you will rarely use that 300rwkws on LONG DURATIONS, (more like short spurts of power when you think the road is empty and put your pedal to firewall lol), hence theres not much risk of your engine going bang if all else is up to spec.. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong..
  9. Yep never regret what u have, regardless of what better products follow. ENJOY it to the max.
  10. Yep mine does the same, idle drops a bit when I clutch in esp on a cold engine, it drops more, it normally idles to 1400, when i clutch in then it goes to 800, ut if the engines been warmed up it usualy stays at 800rpms, still think my idles a bit high at 1200-1400 cold.. What do I do lol.. Yep at least 10mins seems a long time for the idle to become 'normal'... Dont know about my idle tune, have to ask JEZ on that one.. On a different note, I need an O2 sensor for my R34 (I will get a mild steel JJR dump/front onto which it will sit).. Does anyone know if I should get the one from Kudos Motorsport (its says for R32 and R33 only so..??) or just get a Ford EL Falcon one from Bursons or Repco / Supercheapy..?? I read that I will ned a plug convertor for it to fit onto my factory wiring but forgot which one..
  11. Nismoid, how is a 300rwkw rwd skyline more expensive to build then a 260 rwkw one? The support ingredients r the same ie- fmc, exhaust, boost, ecu, fuel pump, inj, afm etc, just the turbo is different, and a 260kw hypergear turbos not more 'expensive' than a 300kw one.. Unless ur talkin about things breakin n fixing em up..
  12. I think its because of your pringles designed intake pipe you're popping, as we all know with pringles, 'once u pop, u cant stop'! On a lighter note, i know how frustrating ur problem is, hope u find a solution soon, sounds like an air related issue, did u get jez to look it up in the wknd?
  13. The engines the rb25det neo
  14. I was just guna create an idle related topic then saw this.. My problem is a high idle of 1200-1400rpms, mostly 1400rpms upon startup esp when its cold. It takes its time, roughly 10mins or so, or even more once the motor has warmed up before it reaches 800rpms. Quite annoying, this is not normal, is it? Done quite a few searches. Pointers are clean aac(is this also called the idle control valve?), clean afm, check for vac leaks ( how do i do this?), and now im readin bout tge idle air regulator thingy? I know mines temp related, can anyone please advise??
  15. Fkn intake pipes lol.... looks like everyones got their own custom pipes, dont see why as the engine's are the same, turbos are the same (hypergear ones), IC pipings the same etc....can someone make a cool 'standard' intake pipe that everyone can use across the board..
  16. Thanks mate, its a shame most of the SAU members r down n Melbourne
  17. Arent u guys getting the metal intake piping from performance wise?? I think they have one for around 100 bucks cant remember.. How is everyone making this piping? Custom job, and from where??
  18. What about Yellow Jackets?? A lot of members seem to be using them with good results, and they are also significantly cheaper
  19. that vid is a load of cock, it is clear from the first few secs of watching - the other drivers large truck / bus etc; would normally swerve / slow down / brake hard if some punk drove like that around them.. Someones done some very clever video editing here to dupe fools like some of you on here..LOL
  20. I get 16-17L/ 100kms city driving occassionally hitting the limiter but not much, my fuel economys truly fked...
  21. buy a toyota...all worries gone.. lol
  22. Maybe you can't read properly adam, I said 'cousin sister' not cousin's sister.. Go to school you poofter! lol !! seriously..jokin
  23. those are awesome times, how much boost is she running?
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