Hi guys, just wondering about the system that parkin inspectors use.
Apart from a few bastard councils who can afford nice photo technology for their parking inspectors from all the fines they've cashed, parking inspectors still mainly use chalk on tyres I think. My question is, does anyone know how the chalk system works? Does each parking area score a different colour chalk? Does the inspector chalk a different tyre depending on time of day? etc How are they sure the car they've chalked hasn't gone and come back and parked in the same spot? Must be cuz of the position on the tyre yeah?
For example, if I am parked in a 1 hour zone. I get in the car at 55 mins and move a car space forward. Does that mean I get another hour?
How about if I get in at 55 mins, do a U-turn, then park in the SAME spot. The chalk on the tyre is obviously not in the same position anymore. I've never been caught out doing these things. It sure as hell beats driving 5 blocks for 20 mins trying to find another park.