Had an accident earlier today.
Some guy was parked in an intersection planning on turning right. We were facing each other and I was going straight. He didn't see me, failed to give way and turned in front of me, and we collided. Idiot claims I ran a red light when I obviously didn't (was yellow). The red light camera at the intersection didn't flash. He seemed really dodgy and will probably try to get one of his friends to be a witness and say that I was at fault.
We are both insured, comprehensively for me, not sure for him, but I assume so. Hopefully my insurance company can just sort it out. Damage isn't too bad - looks like just the bodywork/bumper. No leaks. Could still drive it home.
Just makes me so mad when other people blatantly lie to your face, trying to blame you for their stupid mistakes....
Does anyone know a good workshop I can take it to be repaired? I live in the south-west so anywhere near is good, but I can travel further if needed. I heard Micolour or DT panels is good. Can they actually make sure nothing's wrong with the mechanicals as well?