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About haw001

  • Birthday 21/11/1972

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    Circuit Racing, Rally Racing, Breaking my cars

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    R32 GTR(s)
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  1. I'd be lucky to get 24 days a year!
  2. It's kinda a rolling twelve months. We'll get there eventually. I'm now living in Melbourne so the car is down with me in the workshop. Between here and April it won't get touched as I've got to get the other car ready for Targa, but after that I'm pretty keen to get moving on it. Lot's of weekends and late nights ahead of me.
  3. We wanted the biggest, baddest rotors we could get... so had to get rid of the calipers. Going to just use the handbrake and drift every corner.
  4. $500 for rear cradle and down pipe? I'll organise freight. Mark 0411 471 684
  5. $500 for rear cradle and down pipe? I'll organise freight. Mark 0411 471 684
  6. $500 for rear cradle and down pipe? I'll organise freight. Mark 0411 471 684
  7. Not to beat the point to death (I've posted more than I do in an entire year!), looking at the results from TT2010, 1st in early modern was good enough for 17th outright. To get to top 10, would have required 11:20 less time. No easy feat even with good recky and good handling and big balls. Any way you look at it, power to weight is required if you want to break the top 10.
  8. As to tyres, I always run H1 for TT. No tyre I have found will make the event in M1-3. We ran the H1 Toyo's at TT2010 and still managed to use them for THC. They were shot by the end, and TT was very wet so the wear was not as bad as it would have been had it been dry. Wouldn't have used them, but THC was only supposed to be practice before an engine overhaul and E85 for TT 2011. My problem is that I keep switching tyres year on year. I now have a collection of 3 brand new race tyres for spares and none of them are the same make!
  9. I don't disagree with anyone, but having done 5 of these things, the event has certainly changed in the last few years. Yes it's all down to driving and handling when it comes to the tighter stuff, but there are a lot more high speed straight bits than there used to be, and if you can hit 260 quickly and hold it, compared to 200-210 under standard power, which takes a lot longer to get there, then you are going to knock off 10-20 even 30 seconds on some of the stages. This sort of time is the difference between 5th and 15th. However... as my history has well told, you need to finish to win. We were 2:09 seconds ahead of second place in 2007, which didn't mean jack s#it when we rolled it down the hill at Burnie at the end of day 4!
  10. I think you'll find the caliber of car in early modern will be very high at TT2011. Big year for it, last I heard there are over 300 entries accepted. It's getting harder and harder not to be a checkbook racer in early modern. Oh for the early days! Gone are the days where my money was better spent on track days and practicing, than on engine improvements and better top speed. I'd be surprised if an E7 can make a top 10 outright finish, even with an excellent driver. Maybe with a few select parts under the hood, but even so...
  11. I thought maybe I was the only one complaining about coverage. I sent an email to Mark Perry regarding how the showroom class with 5 entrants got more coverage than early modern which was by my reckoning the 2nd largest class if you compare to the whole of classic.
  12. http://www.defnderneckbrace.com/ Mine arrived in less than a week. I sent a request to the company and they quoted $60 for freight to Australia. I had already bought one of a dealer in the US off ebay for slightly less (only a few bucks). Took a little to get into the routine of putting it on and belting up correctly, but easy once you got used to it. Once your strapped in, it's obvious how much it would help in a crash.
  13. On the Hans device note from Kel, I picked up a DefNder from the states for $600 (thanks Aussie $). Still not cheap, but good quality, fits well, and looks like it will do the job at least as well as the Hans... not that I've got any intention of testing it.
  14. Can anyone find out what caused them to go off. My explanation was a bit tongue in cheek!
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