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Everything posted by Black33

  1. where??????!!!
  2. I agree - what makes you say that?
  3. yeah I know, that's my opinion too But do you know how big the outlets (at the turbo flange side) are on one of the hks dump pipes?? Our dump is like 2 1/4" and the wastegate pipe is 1 1/4"
  4. Personally mine is set at the lower value (in your case - 14psi) and spikes up. I do this cos when it spikes it is only for a short period - for the majority of the time it is at the desired boost!
  5. Still searchin' - I'm sure there's a way to do it but the idea's taken a rest for a little while
  6. thanks mate
  7. Black - no bias involved keeping it clean isn't that much of a hassle (mine sleeps inside)!
  8. muffler man in prahran - he's meant to know his stuff but really annoyed me last night. ok if he made a comment about it - but I had to hear him go on about it for about 15 mins???!!! so, did you feel an improvement from the dump only??
  9. yeah - but he's seriously got me thinking twice cos he was saying that the most important thing is to increase the flow straight after the turbo and he says that cos the outlets are 2.5 " and 1 1/4" on the seperate pipe design - that it's no good?!
  10. INASNT, I just went to my exhaust guy and I swear the guys a farken idiot - went to talk to him about my dump pipe (when I can install etc...) and the whole time, he was bagging the dump pipe I had - NON STOP. I swear, he went on about it for aaaaaaaaages. He was going on about how much better it is to go with the one big dump pipe set up. Saying that the dump I have isn't any better then standard as the openings at the flange aren't really any bigger then standard. He's really given me the shits and now I'm thinking whether or not I'm gonna install it or get one of the other sorts made up?? Did you get a noticeable increase from the dump only???? I might go down to ICE and ask them - I trust them more then this j*rkoff!
  11. that's an insult
  12. whats going on here???????
  13. hey man, If I put it in - trust me, there would be screams nah, but seriously - I have been sooooooooo busy at work, haven't even been able to find a spare minute to scratch my nuts let alone install the dump........ Any offers???????? (to install the dump that is......... or, then again............!!!!) :bahaha:
  14. things didn't go to plan - big time but at least now I have it!
  15. #2
  16. FINALLY :burnout:
  17. i have a trust airinx - from a previous thread, everyone agrees these are very loud
  18. I agree - they look crap. How about someone tries photochopping them onto an r33 sII????
  19. long story - don't ask
  20. Hey guys, the place I was talking about was: Caress Panels Argyle St Fitzroy
  21. Inasnt - I tried to find a place that could make them up about 6months ago cos I had seen a s2 like ours in the city with them (white one). I couldn't find anywhere that could make up series 2 ones except the people at www.suborn.com.au said they could make me some in fibreglass if I took my car in (they are in melbourne) Can you let me know how it goes bcos I'd really like to get some if the ones you get made up by fatz look good. thanks mate ps. dave - you can get some for a series 1 from unique autosports.
  22. I know Anyway - I've been ultra busy at work and wouldn't have had time to go in during the week - but this week for sure
  23. nah mate, he actually did send it but the lazy f*cks at the post office didn't bother to send me a message to let me know it had arrived. It's waiting for me and I am picking it up monday and the getting it and my front pipe fitted during the week or saturday at the latest!!
  24. where is it?
  25. I go to the muffler man in prahran - but have changed my opinion of him - he sux
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