hey victor, for the price range your looking at brembos will have to be out of the question. you may be able to find one eg calipers etc but the dics or pads will prob be worn at that price. why not pm rs73? those rdas and greenstuff arent that bad and willl cost less than $1k. if you cant change them yourself, allow $250-$350 for installation.
edit/ also ive read somewhere before that the difference between the brembos and stock brakes isnt that massive. brembos are slightly better. if you're going to head to high hps/kws and taking it to the tracks then brembos or other aftermarket bbk is a must...however = more $. if you can find the new akebono? v36 brakes then that'll be awesome as ive heard good reviews about them.
either way if your cars just for a daily/w.e car then i suggest buying one of rianto.