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ClutchBurndout-:( last won the day on February 4 2011

ClutchBurndout-:( had the most liked content!

About ClutchBurndout-:(

  • Birthday 30/08/1987

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    boobies. u.mad?

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    Girls car
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  1. id love to get into eve, ive played it before, but the learning curve is crazy. im giving lotro a go, but its pretty empty, unless im just in the empty areas lol i used to play wow, and its pretty boring now
  2. im looking at starting a new mmo, but have absolutely no idea what to start, ive played most of the popular ones and dont want to go back. i was thinking of something like Eve? has anyone looked into Neverwinter Online? what else is good these days? or, what are you playing?
  3. i dont repeatedly crash in the ground, only when im trying to land and for some reason my landing gear decides to go up... my pilots hate me still have the same name still, waiting for the ban
  4. servers are better, lot sizes are so small, and i cant figure out why my city wants more residential even though literally half the map is residential...
  5. you can see that gta4 was struggling to run on the ps3, waiting for the ps4 was probably the wise choice.
  6. servers are playable, after 20 min ques, but still, it isnt that great, sim city 4 is still beter....
  7. dont buy it, not yet anyway. had it for an hour, cant even play, EA has f**ked the servers, buy it in a week or 2.
  8. go for it, and when the bacon pulls you over, just tell them you're a good boy, they will DEFINATELY exempt you.
  9. steam is for sheep, i'm a shark.
  10. i dont see it doing better than wargaming, it will be a similar situation to the way everyone tried to beat WoW.
  11. got into world of warplanes beta, f**k yeah
  12. unless its made from wood, theyre usualy all the same unless you want a brand so you have another shopping list item.
  13. does it sound like the belt itself or a bearing in the tensioner pully?
  14. i went and had a look at the car tonight. it whines on cold startup, so roughly 1300rpm, and when it comes down after idling a bit the whine quietens, the whine comes back again as the rpm increases. still sounding like a tight timing belt? also, when i had my ear to the engine trying to listen for the whine location, it wasnt only coming from the timing belt housing, it was all over the top of the motor. thoughts??? IF it isnt a tight timing belt, what could cause a similar whine noise in the engine? cheers
  15. hey guys, just a quick one, im looking at buying a new car soon and i have my eye on a certain car, but the owner says that the timing belt was replaced and its a tad noisy, and his mechanic said that the noise will eventually go away. is this suss or normal? its a FWD celica, with 130 ish km on the dial.
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