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Everything posted by ClutchBurndout-:(

  1. lol hopefully you fix your problem skittles, ive had the exact same issue and i just cant fix it...
  2. multiplayer looks awesome, hopefuly it comes out on pc
  3. i think ash is a stripper
  4. the graphic improvements have been in for a while, since the last major patch i think?
  5. lolburn
  6. haha yea that sounds about right, im just leveling up on a different server, and ill just transfer him over to barth one day...
  7. yea im on horde barthilas, i started on a diff server because since the exp came out you cant even get into barth lol
  8. on a different note, you say you can improve midrange by adjusting the cam gears on an rb25? would this stop R&R on a standard turbo setup? i have mega R&R in midrange on anything above 7psi, would altering the cam gears help this? or just make it more R&R?
  9. +1 boz and yes i am just shit, how can i compete with people who play it full time? im a casual gamer, not a full time game whore...
  10. i havnt read the whole thread, but im agreeing with the OP... whether its cheap or expensive, it should work, because its cheap dosent mean it should be utterly useless...
  11. lol, goblins are totally better than wargen, maybe they didnt make wargen so fearsom because theyre a alliance member. definatly a fan of the goblin starting quests, i wish they went for longer at lvl 11 you move on to the classic area, oh well at least its all different now haha
  12. why dont u like the wargen?
  13. cod was ruined when they introduced the stupid copters that fire at you and stupidly frequent bombardments
  14. picked it up for 38 bucks at jb last night, no crowd, was really quiet actually. i started a goblin warrior last night, the starting quests for them are awesome, and the racial abilities are pretty cool to, they come in handy
  15. and they dont want to leave it because theyre shit at everything else, so they play what they know...
  16. its not as easy as it sounds, youll have to deal with xmas crowd and then the nerd crowd for eb
  17. coming out tomory i think, the nerd que is gonna be large so i might just wait till the next day...
  18. man im so sick of hearing about css, its the most overrated bs game on the net... its just 12 year olds pulling the same moves over and over on the same fken map...
  19. i wouldnt mind making a warrior, might make a goblin one
  20. i may be in, i have the following legit SC2 BFBC2 WC3 TFT L4D1 TF2 (i think)
  21. ok good, so it would seem my pump is ok then sweet was stressing that my pump would die halfway to philip island and id be farked.
  22. i have the same problem as you, but im not smart enough to do the above lol
  23. locks are awesome in pvp
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