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Everything posted by ClutchBurndout-:(

  1. your probly best getting a manual computer, there pretty common
  2. also, why is everyone suggesting a 4age engine or toyota sprinter etc, good luck finding them...
  3. haha yea, and he missed 2 wash car every now and then and change oil when the bar shows its dark
  4. no wakkas, make sure its packed tight all the way to the roof of the can
  5. i dont mind carlton draught, but i usally buy light beers cos they taste better
  6. yea its just a universal item that everyone brands to make it look bettera, but it dosent matter, a catch can is a catch can is a catch can, regardless of who has their brand on it, it does the exact same thing as the last one.
  7. what you mean? any catch can is good if it has 2 chambers, because in theory the rocker cover inlet is going to pump dirty air into the can, and if there is only a main chamber with no wall separating the inlet and outlet, the dirty air is just going to be sucked strait into the other hole outlet, and the dirty air stays dirty when it goes back into your intake, if there are 2 chambers, the dirty air from the rocker covers will hit the 1st chamber wall and the oil and muck will stick to it and the air will then continue to flow into the second chamber and continue its cycle. but, there is a way around this if you only have one chamber (and its what i personally have set up) and thats packing steel wool into your catch can, not the fine wool, the large strand steel wool, the steel wool acts like the chamber wall and the oil will stick to the steel wool letting the cleaner air continue through it. if you use the finer steel wool then particles of steel may continue into your engine (i forget the names of both the wool) use this stuff not this stuff
  8. xxxx = worst beer ever, next to vb ofcourse
  9. just remember if you do, do black, make sure its satin black...
  10. divorce + wow = win go to wow site and click the forgot username and password buttons!
  11. 2.3? 3.14? closest is 2.25 and 3.25/3.0
  12. LOL @ twothumbsup4urnana
  13. on a side note, invest in something with the double chamber, they do nothing unless there is a wall to split the container...
  14. bcos greddy always send you cheap plastic crap oil hose.... its just a no name one with a fancy spray job, i got the same one in chrome
  15. when its in my hands on the 7th, ill be convinced
  16. hey just because they confirmed it dosent mean it wont be pushed back...
  17. cool thanks, will try it out tonight and repost!
  18. thats a good idea, i dont know much about photoshop, how do i go about this? and can it be done in lightroom? (i dont have ps installed)
  19. i took this one a few days ago, i was going for a dark look, but do you think its a bit to dark?
  20. if u have msn ad me, my addy is a page back or so? hopefuly my net is better soon, its absolute garbage atm
  21. stop right there, story of youre life
  22. + for for saying u were overpaid, bosses love responsibility, specially when your asking for a raise + whats 45 mins? $12.50?
  23. lol loving the discussion, when the only question from charles is... "Does anyone have a star key that I can borrow?"
  24. sweet, 10pm, will have a quick game before ni niez, will get alex on to, we'll have a 3 way... wait what?
  25. i dont see why a flathead screwdriver wont work...
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