hey all, ive been doing a bit of research on here via the search function and talking to exhaust places about upping the db on my system, i have a 3" bell, hiflow cat, 3.5 inch catback with hotdog and fujitsubu jasma cannon, the exhaust sounds nice, but, is very quiet due to the jasma cannon, one of the exhaust places recommended xforce for a cannon because they have a 3.5" inlet version (which is what i need) and they are aparently head and shoulders above "Genie" which is what i asked them about to begin with. what do people think about the xforce cannons? who has one? what sort of note dose it give? how loud is it?
im a bit unsure about xforce, but a few people on sau have them and havnt had any issues, but yea, id like a jap brand one, but obviously theyre a lot harder to track down, id settle for an xforce one if they sound the part and are a bit louder than what i have now.
what you guys think?
edit, forgot to mention it was a stock turbo setup