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Everything posted by ClutchBurndout-:(

  1. Save money? Lol, i think dark silver, i have dark silver on my white car and it looks tops, dont get powder coat though, get them painted properly And while ur at it take that spoiler off
  2. Im replacing it with another origional one, i dont realy want to cut anything lol, how is the handle itself attached to the metal?
  3. hey guys, just got a replacement handbrake grip, but I cant get the origional handbrake off lol, how does it come off? Do I just force is off? Aka jimmy it. cheers r33
  4. sorry im not posting large items unfortunatly cheers
  5. sorry im not posting large items unfortunatly cheers
  6. items are still for sale ADDED o2 sensor origional i thought my o2 sensor was buggered but when i replaced it nothing changed, so im assuming the origional o2 sensor is still fine and for sale - $30 pickup
  7. hey all, i just replaced the O2 sensor on the dump pipe, its running the same but do i need to reset the ecu for it to get a new reading? if so how do i reset it? cheers
  8. you could get a proper mount for your pod, and surround? i herd that makes em legal? could be wrong...
  9. lol can i bulk buy some of those flux capacitors? i hear there very rare
  10. how did u connect both hoses to the actuator :S ?
  11. I don’t think its going to be worth if they do exist, knowing hks they will be expencive if they exist, just get a normal turbo and don’t be a stupid driver like the rest of us haha. But srsly youll spend all this money on one of these things and as soon as your off your ps youll upgrade :S
  12. hey all, im chasing a EBC, cheap as possible, i live in narre warren victoria. just pm me cheers
  13. lol no not that I can see, but maybe the last owner hid it somewhere? Maybe to keep out of vision of the police? Ill have a look around under the dash n stuff to see
  14. its not actualy a beep persae, it’s a constant eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  15. well I don’t think so lol, I don’t have an ebc unless theres one hidden somewhere that the last owner didn’t mention, that would be sweet!
  16. ok cool, but over whats its tuned for u start blowin stuff lol cheers
  17. as some might know already im having trouble with my boost, but this is a diff question, I want to reduce my boost from what it was "tuned" to which is 12 psi, im currently running about 7psi and it feels and runs fine apart from the boost creep, but im worried that its running lean since it was tuned to 12psi, now ive been told the stock ecu will adapt itself to what the boost is, is this right? can i adjust my boost to anything and the ecu with change with it? cheers PS if the ecu was flashed would this change again?
  18. yea sounds alot like mine, i thought it was a boost leak or somethin, my sterio steup is pretty sound, so will have to check elsewear
  19. yea this sounds like that, only it dosent increase with rpm, it is on/off with a sertain throttle
  20. hai all, since i can remember this has been happening, i think this noise is coming from the ecu, i have a stock ecu and at a sertain throttle this realy high pitch beep comes on, its not loud and its not that annoying but its there and worries me that its a warning beep, the noise disapears once i either put more throttle on or less, but at that sertain level it will beep untill you change throttle. i think it does it in any gear i havnt realy taken notes to it alot. has anyone had a similar issue? cheers please note, I THINK its coming from the ecu, it may very well be coming from elsewere, its one of those noises where you turn your head and the noise disapears lol
  21. i dont know whats in there, i havnt done it since i got the car so it may very well be poor oil, but i will try the motul stuff and see what happens!
  22. ok this isnt the biggest problem in the world, but would be nice to rid or minimise the issue. currently there are 2 things happening with what I think my diff, it whines a bit at sertain speeds and tends to jerk a bit when backing off accelarator sharply, can quality diff oil rid or atleast reduce these problems? If not no biggy they don’t worry me a huge amount. cheers
  23. I dont get it, why? A little bit more power at the cost of long term damage that might reduce the life of ur engine? Filling up every 100km and waiting 10 mins for it to fill? Wont it run extremely hotter than on fuel as gas is dryer? I could be wrong but yea lol
  24. Hmm i get a similar problem to, but its more like a high pitch very low beeeeep, and happens ar certain throttle level :s i can do any speed with a sertain throttle and this noise happens abd dosnt go away till i change the throttle amount, any ideas for that? Soz if im hijacking lol
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