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Everything posted by russ123

  1. ah 34 gtt the oil temp gadge is standard one in the cluster in middle of dash board and the coolant temp is shown on a nismo dash cluster the coolant's never gone past half but the oil temp has shown 150 before when i was given it a hiding and bud would have no idea where it's taken from,dose it make a differance?
  2. my water temp always sits just on halfway
  3. ok cheers brezza i won't go as long between cool downs this time,last time i let it hit the 150 mark as the water temp was still sitting on half way
  4. hi all, now i'm not to mechenical so basicly i know buggar all lol first off roughly what's a safe temp for oil to be running at on a track day? i know it's pumping alot harder so i expect it to rise a bit is there a temp that you should start to back off at and if it get's up to high what can happen? as in could it blow up or seize? any info would be great cheers
  5. it might have changed as this was 7-8 years ago now but a mate of mines brother and step dad both got caught same year his brother unlicensed as in never held one got a fine that was it his step dad got fine,lost licence and drink driving course apperantly if you have held a licence you know the rules better
  6. gee's there some winners out there
  7. russ123

    R34 Gtr

    the lubes in the glovebox,please be gentle officer
  8. russ123

    Hail Damage

    righto cheers bud was worried i'd get back to dents all over and no windows lol feel alot better now
  9. russ123

    Hail Damage

    yeah well greenvale would be closer my dailys parked up in somerton work yard,was it bad in that area?
  10. russ123

    Hail Damage

    can anyone from around cragieburn on here tell me was the hail bad in the area?
  11. yeah booked for jan and went on waiting list for oct got offered for oct but had to work last minute was balls so i'm amped for this one
  12. yeah i booked in sept, keen as
  13. hi all,just wondering if anyone else off of here was heading to the driver dynamics track day on the 7th of jan?
  14. the exact same thing happened to me and i didn't get a fine that was 6-7 months ago now so wouldn't sweat ,not sure about how it pick which cars which
  15. are you havin a laugh?no differance bro one has the plastic engine cover on the other one doesn't
  16. really??? no one else interested? ya's gonna leave me posted.........
  17. russ123

    Cop Car Too Low?

    isn't it they have had "training"? and that's why they can talk on moblies while driving as well? don't quote me but that's what i've heard
  18. http://www.facebook....201632226577643 if anyones keen and i'm really hoping to not be the only skyline there
  19. from what i've read you prestige at level 80 so probly a troll
  20. hey i got modern warfare 3 hardend edition on ps3 and having drama's putting the codes in it keeps coming up with no longer vaild or incorrect now i've put them in 5 times and i know there right wondering if anyone has had the same thing? tryed calling activision but after being on hold for 45 mins i hung up
  21. yeah i seen on ya profile,ppl had talked about that car on here before lol i'd seen it around looked alright
  22. lol just went had a look, if i'm not away working i'll come for sure lad are you in geelong?
  23. yeah for sure if i'm not working,ya putting one toghther?
  24. nah i seen a black one too be honest can't think of seeing ya around,you live local?
  25. lol deans marsh road bro not bacchus marsh rd it's the road between winchelsea and lorne and it's pretty twistie and nowhere near the tourists that ya get on g.o.r
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