Malcom, this wasn't the Summernats Elite Hall. I was one of the judges and I walked around with Christian looking at each car as thoroughly as we could.
While you raise some interesting points, it's still a young show and that needs to be remembered when offering judging criticism. These guys have done an awesome job, Dan, Christian, Carlo and Brendan have shone even though they were novices.
You mention getting under cars but the simple fact is that most of these cars are daily drivers and unless you'd like to front up next year with a chassis ramp (like the one used in the Elite Hall at Nats) it's kinda hard to judge. Especially with baking hot Hotmix under foot.
I stand by my choices for each award (Mmmm, GTRRRRR, R32 goodness, mmmmm). Seeing how you've felt it necessary to dump on the organisers so quickly after the event, maybe you'd like to give them a hand for next year, I will be.
Put up or shut up.